ZDYNAMIC MODE SWITCH PROGRAM FOR NEC PC8401 COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 NEC HOME ELECTRONICS INC1 NEC Mode Switch Program V1.5 :ҩ Mode Already at 64K>q  Mode Cannot Be Changed!" " 2 :]A>2 :]Sb >?w#2| \#b ! " OG! # xE~# ZaZ;* zW{_]zn~Z#Z#Z#~Z: O#~#ZŒ:\w*  ##~w#" * : b There is Not Enough Memory to Store File List from Drive A: RAM1 Directory Change Mode Without File Save (Y/N)? Ͷ O Yb Drive A: RAM1 Directory Contains One or More Invalid Entries - :  AUTO Mode Switch Canceled Procede with Mode Switch (Y/N)? Ͷ O Yb \)* " " & w! " " * *   * " * 1* " " * 1 ! " " * * ʿ*  ¿* " +F+N* +V+^{҂q#pÂ*  F#!xN DM* {_zWyOxz/G{/OxGyO ! r+s* " * #" * * f* " * \ `" Â* " " : ><2\ * *  Not Enough Space on B: to Hold all A: Internal RAM1 Files. Continue to File Copy Process (Y/N)? Ͷ O Y ! " Copy * ~#@O : ~O# xT .x6 to B: : ’ (Y/N)? Ͷ O   Y*   ! 6#¢2 >2  !    ++ Source File Cannot Be Opened ++ P File Exists, Overwrit: - ing P e (Y/N)? Ͷ O YP !  ~6$#` ¡ ++ Destination Directory Full ++*+*  Ҭ x ++ No Memory Available for Copy Buffer ++i`" 2 !" * " *  :* " * #" * ?>2 * " * |ʚ+" * "  E ++ Dest Disk or Dir Full Error ++:   !  !    ++ Destination Close Error ++* " * B ͮ   MODE Switch Process Canceled File Copy Process Complete Mode Switching to 64K!~w!9! >2>$0!~#¤*>g"!4 2222_:2 :\=_ F###^#V" x! )= " * MD!x#   " ! N#F* !" " &%R * ~#" &_ * " oz}D : _GO:қ =: Oʑ Ù yʛ x7ʛ :xÛ ʶ Y ~O# `_z{}o|g~# # Nwy#