Documentation for TODO.NEC Prepared for GEnie's Laptops RoundTable by Dave Thomas - 8-04-87 Adapted from documentation for TODO.PJP by Phil Pearsall INTRODUCTION: TODO is a Reminder-Clock-Alarm-Calendar-Calculator program that developed from separate programs by Jim Ferris, Richard Ross, Howard Benner, and Dave Mack. Phil Pearsall's TODO expanded and enhanced the earlier works. Due to differences in NEC 8201A Basic, the coding had to be modified to a considerable degree. Without the "MID$=" syntax, the capitalization routine had to completely rewritten; the DD variable was created to provide for the NEC placement of year first in DATE$; and the routine in line 2 was developed to replace the ONKEYGOSUB routine that isn't supported in the NEC 8201A. DESCRIPTION: TODO lets you input appointments and ToDo's to NOTE.DO. It then displays today's appointments and all ToDo's (up to six lines) in a window on the display. In another window the day, date, time, and alarm time are displayed. By means of numeric keys, NOT the F-keys, you can: 1. View and Delete appointments and ToDo's 2. Enter Appointments or ToDo's 3. Retrieve phone numbers from ADRS.DO 4. Set or Cancel alarm time 5. Run ABACUS (calculator) 6. View the perpetual calendar 7. Redraw display windows on power up. 8. Return to NEC 8201A/8300 menu OPERATION: 1) Files: LINE function must have been activated; see LINE files in Software Library 6. ALARM.DO with at least one entry must exist in RAM for the program to run. A single character or your name or whatever will suffice for the single entry. You can later delete it after an alarm time is entered. The program will open a NOTE.DO file if none exists. To use the phone directory routine, ADRS.DO must be in RAM (more on this later). 2) Display: The opening display is a window on the left side of the screen for displaying appointments and To-Do's and a smaller window on the right displaying the day, date, 12 hour clock time, and a small window for alarm time. Without any data in NOTE.DO the Appointment & To-Do's Window is empty as is the alarm mini- window without an alarm time loaded. Under the windows there are the labels: "1vue 2ntr 3fon 4lrm 5clc 6cln 7rln 8mnu". Function keys are NOT used. 3) Numeric commands: 1vue (view) allows viewing of appointments & To-Dos one at a time with the option to delete. Pressing 1 calls up a window that lets you select 1) Scan, 2) MM/DD, 3) Today, or 4) TO-DO. 1) lets you scan all entries in the file, 2) lets you select a date then view appointments for that date, 3) calls up todays appointments, while 4) calls up TO-DOs. As you view each entry you have the option to delete it. 2ntr (enter) lets you enter appointments and To-Dos. You first are asked to select oDo or ppointment. Upon selection of either, a heading will appear to guide the entry. An entry can be up to 254 characters long but only 23 characters (to the end of the screen) will be displayed in the Appointment and ToDo window. After typing an entry, press ENTER and you will be asked if you want to make another entry. Hit any key but "Y" and the program sorts the new entry into the file. Appointments are sorted ahead of To-Dos in chronological order and To-Dos are sorted alphabetically by the first five characters in the entry with upper case ahead of lower case. 3fon (phone) Now is a good time to talk about organization of the ADRS.DO file. Each entry consists of name, home no., and work no. and should be spaced exactly as follows to match the display headings in TODO: BOBBI ARCHAMBAULT 700-6000 :900-4000: That is, a name of 17 characters, space, phone, space, colon, phone, colon. For longer names, shorten. For shorter names, fill in with spaces. The ":" enclose the number you might want to auto-dial. Names must be in caps because TODO capitalizes the keyboard input before looking for a match. Thus, during operation one does not have to worry about how the name appears in the file or if CAPS LOCK is on or off. Back to 3 (phone:) Pressing 3 displays a window that asks for a name. First, last or any part of a name can be entered in lowercase, uppercase or any combination and all matches will be displayed. When you type in the wrong name or want to make a second call you can look up another number by pressing "Y" in response to the "Another No?" question. 4lrm (alarm) results in a window and the menu et or ancel. Pressing leads to another menu aily or ingle. Pressing , in turn, lets you enter an alarm time. The entry should be 24 hour time in the form HH:MM. This entry will cause the alarm to sound every 24 hours at the input time. Selecting on this menu lets you input a date and time. This input should be in the form MM/DD HH:MM and will result in the alarm sounding once at that date and time. Selecting ancel lets you view each entry in the ALARM.DO file with a cancel option. Note: In the top display each alarm time is displayed for one second each pass through the file. This is by design so that one has time to read the times, but it also lets you cause the alarm time to flash by selecting aily and entering spaces for the time after an alarm time has been entered. 5clc (calculator) selects ABACUS, a friendly easy to use Calculator without any reverse Polish arithmetic or other tricks required. One caution though, selecting the ABACUS to PRINTER option without a printer connected or turned on will result in the computer hanging up until either the printer is connected and turned on or SHIFT-STOP is pressed. 6cln (calendar) selects a perpetual calendar. The opening display shows the current month, with today's date hi-lighted, in one window and the day, date, time, alarm time displayed in another window. Numeric keys (1-4) allow display of next mo., previous mo., any month, from the year 100 to I don't know how far into the future (don't know about the accuracy at the extremes), and today. 5 returns you to the main program. Note that some months (Aug '87 and Jan '88) some dates fall outside of the window and "unpretty" the display. 7rln (realign) Is used to RUN after powering up with the program loaded, to redraw the windows. 8mnu (menu) Returns to the NEC Menu. Notes: 1) Modularity: All the functions are independent of one another and any one can be removed and replaced. An exception is that retn in the calendar routine is the same instruction as reln. 2) Bug: There is a bug in the 12 hour clock routine. Between 12 and 1 AM, 0 not 12 is displayed. 3) Bug 2: There is, also, a bug in the calendar routine. When "any" Month and Year is called while todays date is displayed, todays date is hi-lighted in the new month and year.