1 'CHARLC - by Gary Weber 12/07/92 2 'Relocates graphics characters that 3 'were defined by CHRDEF or CHARED to 4 'a lower memory location which is 5 'compatible with LINE.NEC. Allows 6 'for additional GRPH characters to be 7 'generated (211-255). 8 ' 10 SCREEN,0:CLS:CLEAR256,61647!:FILES 20 LINEINPUT"Select font file: ";F$ 30 IFLEN(F$)>0THENBLOADF$ELSEBEEP:END 40 PRINT "Relocating..."; 50 CLEAR256,61388! 60 FORA=64376!TO64381!:F$=F$+CHR$(PEEK(A)):NEXT 70 FORA=0TO479:POKE61388!+A,PEEK(61647!+A):NEXT 80 POKE65215!,204:POKE65216!,239 90 PRINT "saving..."; 100 BSAVE F$,61388!,749 110 PRINT:END