The GL series programs are, in my humble opinion, the best for keeping track of one's checking account. One of the most tedious chores associated with the GL series, though, is cutting the cleared checks and deposits from the check journal (CJ.DO). I wrote this patch for GLCHEK.BA that, when option 'D' is chosen from the main menu, will remove all the cleared checks and deposits and put them into a separate file called OLD.DO. Your starting balance will be updated so everything will balance. To incorporate this patch, both GLCHEK.BA and GLPATC.DO must be resident in the Model 100. Go into BASIC, type: LOAD "GLCHEK.BA" . Then type: MERGE "GLPATC.DO" . That's all there is to it! GLPATC.DO may be deleted now, as it is no longer needed. I have checked this patch and have had no problems, but the usual warnings apply: Back up all files before starting this procedure and before running GLCHEK.BA containing this patch! Also, make sure you have a backup copy of CJ.DO before running this program. After all, ya never know what might happen, right? If you have any problems, contact me and I'll try to help: Club 100: Richard Nehrbass GEnie: C.NEHRBASS Compuserve: 73757,3665