Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE Andrew Moore August 26, 1985 SS Documentation STRING SEARCH ("SS") is a simple program for Model 100 users that can be used for many jobs. I use it as a telephone directory, but it is more or less universal. From the main menu, you have four options: 1) Find a string 2) Delete a string 3) Enter a string 4) Return to Menu Option 1 lets you enter a string (or a partial string) and then searches through the SS data file for a line containing that partial string. If the match is found, the entire line is displayed. All other lines containing the same string are also displayed. Option 2 lets you delete a line of text from the SS data file. Option 3 lets you enter a line of data. Option 4 ends the program. The program is not very fancy or sophisticated, but this lets it be used for a variety of applications. A telephone number dirctory is a very useful application. Memos, scheduling, notes, and addresses are other possibilities. Also note the "windows" (if you can't have a Mac, why not make your model 100 look like one?). Probably a poor attempt at immitating the Mac, but a nice effect. Enjoy. -drew moore