Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE Chess.100 by Mike Weiblen 6/3/85 A chess playing program for the TRS-80 Model 100. How to play: When you first run the program, it asks if you want to be white. Press Y or N (keeping in mind that white gets to move first!). It then displays the playing board. Your pieces are at the bottom of the screen. The color of a piece is the color of the letter against a contrasting background. Along the left side of the board are the numbers 1 to 8 labeling the rows. The columns are identified as A to H from left to right, although they are not labeled on the screen. A square is specified by its column, then row (eg: D2). Depending on your answer to the initial question, the computer will start scanning for its move or prompt you for the input of your move. When scanning for its move, the computer displays the location of the piece its considering & flashes a star to let you know its working. When it finally(!) decides, it displays the coordinates of its move. Now its your turn. You move a piece by entering its current location then its destination (eg: D2D4). To castle, you only have to enter K for the king side or Q for the queen side. The computer displays your move on the board, then takes its turn. There are a few special commands available to allow you to make changes to the board. A few examples demonstrate the idea best: CPE5 puts a Computer Pawn at square E5 PQA1 puts a Player Queen at A1 EMD2 makes D2 an EMpty square Final Thoughts: Two things become immediately obvious: (1) This thing is SLOOOOOW. (2) It don't play too well. (for that matter, neither do I!) This program is just begging for improvement. If you have any ideas, I invite you to have at it. (and have FUN!)