0 ' CRAM.BA - AUTHOR UNKNOWN Modified for M200 by Steve St.laurent 1 ' CLUB 100 LIBRARY - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE 2 KEYON:ONKEYGOSUB,,,,,,,20:DEFINTA-Z:GOSUB16 3 CLS:PRINT@14,"*** Cram ***" 4 L=0:R=239:T=7:B=128:N=0:GOSUB15 5 J=J+1:IFJ=RTHEN13ELSEPSET(J,I) 6 IFINKEY$=""THEN5ELSEN=N+1:R=J:SOUND 2216,2 7 I=I+1:IFI=BTHEN13ELSEPSET(J,I) 8 IFINKEY$=""THEN7ELSEN=N+1:B=I:SOUND 2216,2 9 J=J-1:IFJ=LTHEN13ELSEPSET(J,I) 10 IFINKEY$=""THEN9ELSEN=N+1:L=J:SOUND2216,2 11 I=I-1:IFI=TTHEN13ELSEPSET(J,I) 12 IFINKEY$=""THEN11ELSEN=N+1:T=I:SOUND2216,2:GOTO5 13 FORX=1TO5:BEEP:NEXTX:CLS:PRINT@5,"Turns=";N;" Previous High=";M:IFN>MTHENM=N 14 FORI=1TO2000:NEXTI:GOTO4 15 I=7:J=0:A$=INKEY$:RETURN 16 CLS:PRINT@134,"*** CRAM ***":PRINT:PRINT:INPUT"DO YOU WANT INSTRUCTIONS (Y/N)";Y$:IFY$="Y"ORY$="y"THEN17ELSE3 17 CLS:PRINT:PRINTTAB(5)"The object of the game is to spiralthe line around the screen without it running into the edges or itself. ":PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"Press to continue":GOSUB19 18 CLS:PRINT:PRINTTAB(5)"Press any key to change the direction of the line. The game is overwhen you hit the sides or the line.":PRINTTAB(5)"To return to the main MENU press ":PRINT:PRINT"When you're ready to play,press "; 19 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN19ELSERETURN 20 MENU