0 'ESCAPE.100 by Robby DeMarco 2/86 1 'CLUB 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE 2 'mods by Bill Templeton 6/86 3 CLS:S%=VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)):FORI%=1TOS%:DUMMY=RND(1):NEXTI%:E$=CHR$(27):R$=E$+"p":N$=E$+"q 4 PRINT@94,R$" Escape.100 "N$:PRINT@168,"Do you need instructions?"; 5 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN5 6 IFA$="Y"ORA$="y"THENGOSUB38 7 CLS:FL=0:CALL16959:FORI=0TO39:PRINT@I,CHR$(239):PRINT@I+280,CHR$(239):NEXTI:FORI=0TO319STEP40 8 PRINT@I,CHR$(239):PRINT@I+39,CHR$(239):NEXTI 9 CE=INT(RND(1)*320):IFPEEK(65024+CE)=32THEN9 10 PRINT@CE,CHR$(255):PP=175:PP$=CHR$(144) 11 EC=INT(RND(1)*320):IFPEEK(65024+EC)<>32THEN11 12 PRINT@EC,CHR$(150) 13 IFFL=1THENPRINT@CE,CHR$(224) 14 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THENA$="L 15 A=ASC(A$):IFA=28THENPO=1 16 IFA=29THENPO=-1 17 IFA=30THENPO=-40 18 IFA=31THENPO=40 19 PP=PP+PO:IFPEEK(65024+PP)=42THEN33 20 IFPEEK(65024+PP)=239THENPP=PP-PO:PO=-PO 21 IFPEEK(65024+PP)=255THENPP=PP-PO:PO=-PO 22 IFPEEK(65024+PP)=224THEN29 23 IFPEEK(65024+PP)=150THENFL=1 24 C=INT(RND(1)*320):IFPEEK(65024+C)=42THENPRINT@C," ":GOTO28 25 IFPEEK(65024+C)=32THEN27 26 GOTO24 27 PRINT@C,"*"; 28 PRINT@PP,PP$:FORI=1TO20:NEXTI:PRINT@PP," ":GOTO13 29 FORI=41TO241STEP40:PRINT@I,STRING$(38," "):NEXT:FORI=0TO10000STEP500:SOUNDI,5:PRINT@95,R$" ESCAPED "N$:NEXTI:GOSUB37 30 IFINKEY$<>""THEN30 31 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=CHR$(13)THENMENUELSEIFA$<>""THEN7 32 GOTO31 33 FORI=3000TO2600STEP-50:PRINT@PP,R$PP$:SOUNDI,5:PRINT@PP,N$PP$:FORC=1TO20:NEXT:NEXTI:SOUND2000,100:GOSUB37 34 IFINKEY$<>""THEN34 35 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=CHR$(13)THENMENUELSEIFA$<>""THEN7 36 GOTO35 37 PRINT@164,"Any key to play, for menu":RETURN 38 GOSUB48 39 PRINT" OBJECT - The object of this game is to get the key("CHR$(150)") so the locked door("CHR$(255)") will open"; 40 PRINT" and you can leave the arena. However there are mines(*). If you hit one, then you will die. Use the"; 41 PRINT" arrow keys to move. You continue":PRINTR$" Press any key to continue "N$; 42 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN42 43 GOSUB48:PRINT" moving in that direction, until you press another arrow key. Since this is 44 PRINT" a reflex game, don't get frustrated. It may seem impossible at first, but there is a 4 to 1 chance to win."; 45 PRINT" Your chances increase as your reflexes improve.":PRINTR$" Press any key to continue "N$; 46 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN46 47 RETURN 48 CLS:PRINT@0,R$" Instructions "N$;:RETURN