0 'HAM100.BA Author Unknown 1 'Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE 2 CLS:PRINT"PRESS A KEY" 3 Z=RND(1):A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN3 4 D1=0:P1=0:Z=0:P=95:S=2800:H=3000:E=H-S:Y=3:A=H/Y:I=5:Q=1 5 CLS:PRINT"Hammurabi;I beg to report":Z=Z+1:PRINTUSING"Year ##: ### starved - ### came to city";Z,D,I:P=P+I : IF Q>0 THEN 7 6 P=INT(P/2):PRINT"*** Plague Struck !***";:GOSUB43:PRINT@80,""; 7 PRINTUSING"Population ####. City owns #### acres.";P,A:PRINTUSING"Harvest was # bu/Ac - Rats ate #### bu";Y,E:PRINTUSING"You have #####, bushels in storage. ";S:IFZ=11THENINPUT"Press enter";Z$:GOTO34 8 Y=INT(10*RND(1))+17:PRINT"Land is selling at";Y;"bushels per acre" 9 PRINT@240,"";:INPUT"How many acres will you buy";Q:IF Q<0 THEN 33 10 IF Y*Q<=S THEN 11ELSEGOSUB30:GOTO9 11 IFQ=0THEN12ELSEA=A+Q:S=S-Y*Q:C=0:GOTO 15 12 GOSUB44:INPUT"How many do you wish to sell";Q:IFQ<0THEN33 13 IFA<=QTHENGOSUB31:GOTO12 14 A=A-Q:S=S+Y*Q:C=0 15 GOSUB44:INPUT"How many will you feed the people";Q:IFQ<0THEN33 16 IFQ>STHENGOSUB30:GOTO15 17 S=S-Q:C=1 18 PRINT@240,STRING$(79,32);:PRINT@240,"";:INPUT"How many do you wish to plant";D:IF D<0THEN 33ELSEIFD=0THEN23 19 IFD>ATHENGOSUB31:GOTO18 20 IFINT((D+1)/2)>STHENGOSUB30:GOTO18 21 IFD<=10*PTHEN23 22 PRINT@280,"There're only";P;"to tend the fields !";:GOSUB43:GOTO18 23 S=S-INT(D/2):GOSUB32:Y=C:H=D*Y:E=0:GOSUB32:IFINT(C/2)<>C/2THEN25 24 E=INT(S/C) 25 S=S-E+H:GOSUB 32:I=INT(C*(20*A+S)/P/100+1):C=INT(Q/20):Q=INT(10*(2*RND(1)-.3)):IFP.45*PTHEN28 27 P1=((Z-1)*P1+D*100/P)/Z:P=P-D:D1=D1+D:GOTO5 28 CLS:PRINT"You starved";D;"people in one year!" 29 PRINT"Due to this extreme mismanagement you have not only been impeached, but shall he hung at noon!!":GOTO 41 30 PRINT@280,"Hammurabi, Think again";:GOSUB43:PRINT@280,"You only have";S;"bushels of grain";:GOSUB43:RETURN 31 PRINT@280,"But sir! You only have";A;"acres!";:GOSUB43:RETURN 32 C=INT(RND(1)*5)+1:RETURN 33 PRINT"Hammurabi ! I cannot do as you wish":GOTO41 34 CLS:PRINT"In your 10 year term of office":PRINTUSING"##.# percent of the population died ";P1:PRINTUSING"per year. A total of ### people died !!";D1:L=A/P:PRINT"You started with 10.0 acres per person":PRINTUSING"and ended with ##.#";L 35 IF P1>33 OR L<7 THEN 29 36 IF P1>10 OR L<9 THEN 39 37 IF P1>3 OR L<10 THEN 40 38 PRINT"Fantastic performance !!!":GOTO41 39 PRINT"A Rather poor performance. You will be":PRINT"tarred & feathered on your way out":GOTO 41 40 PRINT"Your performance wasn't bad. You may":PRINT"get re-elected !!." 41 BEEP:PRINT"Again ?"; 42 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="y"THEN CLS:RUNELSEIFA$=""THEN42ELSEMENU 43 FORXX=1TO1200:NEXT 44 PRINT@240,STRING$(79,32);:PRINT@240,"";:RETURN