0 'SUB100 Joe Wasserman 1 'CLUB 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE 10 CLEAR300 20 ONERRORGOTO510 30 CLS:PRINT@84,CHR$(235):PRINT@123,STRING$(2,239):PRINT@161,CHR$(252)+STRING$(6,239)+CHR$(254) 40 PRINT@201,CHR$(253)+STRING$(6,239)+CHR$(251) 50 FORZ=1TO300:NEXT 60 T$=" SINK THE SUBMARINE" 70 FORX=1TO2 80 FORZ=209TO238 90 PRINT@Z," "+CHR$(232) 100 PRINT@Z,MID$(T$,Z-208,1) 110 NEXTZ:PRINT@238," ":FORY=1TO300:NEXTY 120 T$=" by Joe Wasserman 73117,3600" 130 NEXTX:CLS 140 PRINT"There is an enemy sub within 50 to 200 miles of your ship.":PRINT 150 PRINT"You have 12 missiles to destroy it but your sonar is being jammed. It can tell by how much you missed the sub "; 160 PRINT"but not the direction.":PRINT@290,"Any Key to continue"; 170 IFINKEY$=""THEN170 180 CLS:PRINT"You must detonate within 3 miles of the sub to destroy it."; 190 PRINT" Enter RANGE and ANGLEand your computer will keep you posted of the co-ordinates of your closest hit." 200 PRINT@290,"Any Key to Continue"; 210 IFINKEY$=""THEN210 220 CLS 230 LINE(77,20)-(120,63):LINE(120,3)-(120,63):LINE(162,21)-(120,63) 240 PRINT@289,"0";:PRINT@91,"45":PRINT@108,"135":PRINT@311,"180"; 250 PRINT@0,"RANGE":PRINT@25,"ANGLE":PRINT@120,"Miss>":PRINT@200,"closest":PRINT@281,"r a"; 260 RESTORE:FORZ=1TO37:READX1,Y1:PSET(X1,Y1):NEXT 270 IFMAXRAM=61104THENPOKE63277,PEEK(61983)ELSEPOKE64634,PEEK(63791) 280 FORZ=1TOVAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)):X=RND(1):NEXT 290 R1=INT(RND(1)*151+50):A1=INT(RND(1)*180+1) 300 CL=400:FORU=1TO12:PRINT@191,USING"READY ##";U 310 PRINT@5,"";:INPUTR:IFR<50ORR>200THENPRINT@6," ":GOTO310 320 PRINT@30,"";:INPUTA:IFA<0ORA>180THENPRINT@31," ":GOTO320 330 X=R*.3*COS(A*.0174533):Y=R*.3*SIN(A*.0174533) 340 LINE(119-X,63-Y)-(121-X,63-Y):LINE(120-X,63-Y)-(120-X,62-Y) 350 PRINT@191,CHR$(27)"p"" FIRE "CHR$(27)"q":FORZ=4000TO9000STEP100:SOUNDZ,1:NEXTZ 360 D=SQR(R*R+R1*R1-(2*R*R1*COS((A-A1)*.0174533))):IFD