Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE OBJ3D.DOC/James Yi Aug. 16,1986 OBJ3D.BA is a graphics program that displays an object in 3D. Object data is stored as text files. Run it and wait for about 20 seconds while variables are being set up. Then the menu is displayed, with commands in the left and default values in the right side. Then press keys 1-9 to choose commands. Commands explanation: 1) View- to view the object. If object is name is not defined or not found, an error message is displayed. When finished viewing, press any key. 2) Rotate- Object rotates on X,Y, and Z axis. Viewing angles must be 0 to 360. 3) Magnification- determine how large an object is to be seen. Since any lines out of screen border are automatically chopped off, so the size of object is not limited. 4) Distance per dot- determine how many distance units each dot represents. Further dots appear closer to the center, making the object seem more realistic. Z axis is the distance. Value can be up to about 200. 5) Shift center- shift the center of object on all 3 axis. Positive value moves the object to the right, up, and further away, and negative to opposite. 6) Define object name- object to be viewed or edited. 7) Create object- create a new object. A coordinate consists of three values X,Y, and Z. Lines are drawn between each coordinate, so in order to skip one and start connecting lines at a new coordinate, use egin new line instead of ext coor. 8) Edit object- in create command, this is not necessary, but here, to indicate a new line beginning, add 1000 to X or -1000 if X is a negative value (i.e., for a new line, enter 1010,10,10 instead of 10,10,10 or -1005,2,2 for -5,2,2). 9) Exit- goto MENU. Sample objects BOX.DO, HOUSE.DO and PYRAM.DO. Download these and store them as text file. Create your own and share them.