10 'Characters 32-255 start at 36963, 8 bytes per character 20 CLS:PRINT" BANNER.200 by Joe Wasserman":PRINT 30 MAXFILES=2 40 'Maximum length of headline = 13 characters 50 A$="B":INPUT"B>anner H>eadline(Enter for Banner)";A$:IFINSTR("BbHh",A$)=0THEN50 60 IFA$="h"ORA$="b"THENA$=CHR$(ASC(A$)-32) 70 IFA$="B"THEN90 80 PRINT:PRINT"For best results - set your printer to print 12 lines/inch" 90 PRINT:FILES:PRINT:LINEINPUT"Input file? ";F1$:IFF1$=""THEN90 100 PRINT:LINEINPUT"Output file (ENTER for LPT:)? ";F2$:IFF2$=""THENF2$="LPT:" 110 IFLEN(F2$)=3THENF2$=F2$+":" 120 IFA$="H"THENH=1:W=1ELSEH=10:W=6 130 'Width expansion on headlines limited by number of characters in file. Program will not let you use too wide an expansion. 140 PRINT:PRINT"Height expansion (ENTER for"H")";:INPUTH:PRINT"Width expansion (ENTER for "W")";:INPUTW 150 'Character used for printing must be one that your printer can print 160 'It might not look on the printer like it does on the screen 170 'For headlines CHR$(239) is a good character for easy readability 180 CLS:C$="":L2$=" ":INPUT "Character to use for printing (ENTER to print each character with itself)";C$ 190 IF LEN(C$)>1THENC$=LEFT$(C$,1) 200 'If using inverse, insert chr$(233) at beginning of text file to create left side border 210 N$="N":PRINT:INPUT"N>ormal I>nverse (ENTER for Normal)";N$:IFINSTR("NnIi",N$)=0THEN210 220 IFLEN(N$)>1THENN$=LEFT$(N$,1) 230 M=0:PRINT:INPUT"Left Margin (ENTER to center)";M 240 IFA$="H"THEN310 250 R$="N":PRINT:PRINT"Line feed after each line":INPUT"(ENTER for No)";R$ 260 R1$=LEFT$(R$,1):IF R1$="Y"ORR1$="y"THENF=1ELSEIFR1$="N"ORR1$="n"THEN F=0ELSE250 270 CLS:PRINT"If you are using the maximum width of your printer, and your printer does an "; 280 PRINT"automatic return at the last column, resulting in double-spacing, answer the next question 'Y'. 290 R$="":PRINT:INPUT"Suppress return in last column";R$ 300 R1$=LEFT$(R$,1):IFR1$="Y"OR R1$="y"THENE=0ELSEIFR1$="N"ORR1$="n"THENE=1ELSE290 310 CLS:OPENF1$FORINPUTAS1:OPENF2$FOROUTPUTAS2 320 IFA$="H"THEN530 330 IFM=0THENM=40-(H*4) 340 IFEOF(1)THEN520 350 L$=INPUT$(1,1):L=ASC(L$) 360 IFL<32THENFORV=1TOW*6:GOSUB490:NEXTV:GOTO340 370 IFC$=""THENL1$=L$ELSEL1$=C$ 380 IFN$="I"ORN$="i"THENL2$=L1$:L1$=" " 390 P=36970+(L-32)*8 400 FORY=0TO5 410 FORX=1TOW 420 IFM>0THENFORV=1TOM:PRINT#2," ";:NEXTV 430 FORZ=PTOP-7STEP-1 440 IFPEEK(Z)AND2^YTHENPRINT#2,STRING$(H,L1$);ELSEPRINT#2,STRING$(H,L2$); 450 NEXTZ 460 IFETHENGOSUB490 470 NEXTX,Y 480 GOTO340 490 PRINT#2, 500 IFFTHENPRINT#2,CHR$(10); 510 RETURN 520 CLOSE:END 530 LINEINPUT#1,B$:B=LEN(B$) 540 IFM=0THENM=(80-(B*W*6))/2:IFM<0THENPRINT"Expansion too wide for len. of headline":PRINT:RUN50 550 FORX=0TO7 560 FORY=1TOH 570 IFM>0THENFORU=1TOM:PRINT#2," ";:NEXTU 580 FORZ=1TOB 590 B1$=MID$(B$,Z,1):B2=ASC(B1$):P=36963+X+(B2-32)*8 600 IFC$=""THENL1$=B1$ELSEL1$=C$ 610 IFN$="I"ORN$="i"THENL2$=L1$:L1$=" " 620 FORV=0TO5 630 IFPEEK(P)AND2^VTHENPRINT#2,STRING$(W,L1$);ELSEPRINT#2,STRING$(W,L2$); 640 NEXTV,Z 650 PRINT#2, 660 NEXTY,X 670 CLOSE:END