XCOPY.DOC *Radio Shack Series DMP Printers Specific* 1. Download DMPDMP.BA 2. Cut & Paste TEST.BA 3. Convert from .DO to .BA format 4. Run DMPDMP.BA 5. Return to Menu & XCOPY.CO will appear on Menu 6. Run TEST.BA to see if D/L is OK *** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS ON! 7. XCOPY.CO resides in the alternate LCD Buffer a. won't interfer with other M/L programs 8. To utilize: from any prog., just enter, at the approtiate line # (after LCD display) RUNM"XCOPY app. time to print a full screen = 1 min 30 sec. 9. GRAF.100 users - delete line 41 & replace with 41 RUNM"XCOPY a. check line 32 for editing of [PRINT?] & [DATA?] options b. as they appear on LCD & will be printed c. just delete [PRINT@V$"PRINT?"] & [PRINT@V$"DATA?] d. Remember, if you do this, after graph is displayed on screen, you must enter "P" or "Y" to commence printing the graphs Gene Nestro 72216,512 1 'TEST.BA 10 CLS:SCREEN0,0 20 LINE(0,0)-(239,63),1,B 30 LINE(2,2)-(200,61),1,B 40 LINE(202,2)-(237,61),1,BF 50 LINE(4,4)-(198,17),1,BF 60 PRINT@42,CHR$(27);"pTest for the program XCOPY.CO"; 65 PRINT@76,"H":PRINT@116,"E":PRINT@156,"L":PRINT@196,"L":PRINT@236,"O";CHR$(27);"q" 70 FORI=20TO48STEP2 80 LINE(4,I)-(52,I+10):LINE(52,I+10)-(198,I) 90 NEXT 100 RUNM"XCOPY 110 BEEP:END