I thought that the functions assigned to F5 and F6 were reversed and could be better labeled so I wrote the following POKE to change them: 1 'PRNKEY.BA - key changes for PRINT.CO by Robert Benson 10 POKE61088,80:POKE61089,97:POKE61090,103:POKE61091,101 20 POKE61093,69:POKE61094,110:POKE61095,100:POKE61096,115 30 POKE61144,11:POKE61145,236 40 POKE61149,249:POKE61150,235 Simply cut and paste PRNKEY.BA into BASIC, then run it. Line 10 is the new name for F5 - Page Line 20 is the new name for F6 - Ends Line 30 is the JMP from F6 poked at F5 Line 40 is the JMP from F5 poked at F6