.RF .PA PRTMG1 05/23/86 .pp5/1 PRTEXT is a print formatter (word processor) for the Tandy Model 100 and 200 computers. PRTEXT supports the Tandy D/VI-Disk Video Interface and the Tandy PDD-Portable Disk Drive but the D/VI and the PDD cannot be used at the same time. .csNOTES WHEN USING THE PDD - TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE .pp The PDD must be used with a special DOS for the Model 100 or 200: POWR-DISK (Acroatix Inc., 10 Upton Drive, Wilmington, MA 01887) or TS-DOS (Traveling Software, Inc., 11050 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125). Either DOS must be loaded into high memory using DOS instructions prior to running PRTEXT. PRTEXT checks for the presence of the PDD with a DOS every time it is run. If found, flags are set which will enforce the PDD limitation of only one file open on the disk at a time. This restriction is a function of the PDD and not PRTEXT. .pp PRTEXT processes .DO files produced by the Model 100/200 TEXT program (or other ASCII files), formats the text according to user specified parameters and outputs it to the line printer or any other valid Model 100/200 device including cassette or D/VI or PDD disk. The latter capability makes it useful for preparing formatted documentation files which can be uploaded to Special Interest Group data bases such as Compuserve, Delphi or the Source. .pp PRTEXT is provided with a set of default formatting parameters which make it possible to produce documents with standard margins and page lengths without any extra instructions from the user. However, any of these defaults may be changed by commands called Dot Commands (DotCom) within the text file and other commands called Print Signals (Psig) can be added to customize the document and take advantage of special features of the printer such as underscore, italics (or color print), bold face and super/sub script. By default, documents are printed with ragged right margins but a DotCom is available to produce an even or justified right margin if desired. .pp Because of the provision of a merge DotCom (.MG), documents of unlimited length can be printed with correct page numbers and format. .pp PRTEXT can also process a mailing list, automatically printing individually addressed letters to each name on the list and personalizing the body of the letter in almost any way desired. Mailing Lists can also be of unlimited length if stored on disk or even cassette. Lists can be broken into segments which easily fit into RAM for maintenance. Each segment (except the last) is coded to call up the next when needed. .csCUSTOMIZE FOR YOUR PRINTER .pp A separate configuration program (PRTFIX) is provided to customize PRTEXT to use special control codes required for underscore, bold face, super/sub script, etc. See instructions in this document.