Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE DICT.BA works with its word file, WORDS.DO, to spell check your document files. Upon running it, and pressing "S" for spelling checker, the words are loaded into active RAM and the file name is requested. As it scrolls on the screen and a misspelled word is found, you have 4 choices: If you know the word to be correct, "R" writes it to the word file. If it is near the beginning of the alphabet and the word file is long, this can take a few moments, so pressing "T" may be better, recording it in a file called TEMP.DO, for later incorporation into the word file. "N" skips the word over, and "Q" terminates program operation (as does reaching the end of the document). Otherwise, when "D" is pressed at the beginning, the file TEMP.DO is alphabetically incorporated into your present WORDS.DO. It works with two word files, one with words of 2-5 letters in length, and one with 6-15 letter words. One should start the shorter word file with "aa" and the longer with "aaaaaa". These are read in as switches for the program and not as working words. Because this checker builds a dictionary using only the words you personally use, it can be nearly practical, otherwise the limitations of RAM and BASIC are too strict. Hope it proves useful to you! Now would anyone know why it occasionally halts execution for a moment, then again runs? Russ Hall 1380 Diane Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84123 October 14, 1987