0 'Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE 1 'SCRAM.100 (v1.1) - Bob Willard, 05-Jun-84 This fully-prompted program scrambles and unscrambles text (.DO) files 2 'in the Model 100. An encoded file will be stored under the 3 'first 3 characters of its filename plus ENC.DO (for encrypted). 4 'The original file is killed when the encoding/decoding is completed. 5 'The value of N in line 10 may be varied from 1-4 for different 6 'encryption codes. DO NOT EXCEED 4 FOR THE VALUE OF N. 7 'Most common errors will be trapped, and ENC.DO is needed for decoding. 8 'The program occupies 954 bytes without REM statements and 9 'needs 2x the file size to be encoded/decoded to run. 10 MAXFILES=2:DEFSTRA-M:DEFINTN-Z:N=4:A=CHR$(27):B=A+"p":C=A+"q":ONERRORGOTO50 11 D=".DO":E="ENC.DO":CLS:PRINT@52,B;" THE SCRAMBLER ";C:PRINT 12 PRINTTAB(10)B;"E";C;"ncode";TAB(25)B;"D";C;"ecode" 13 PRINT@240,"Enter your choice in caps " 14 K=INKEY$:IFK<>"E"ANDK<>"D"THEN14 15 IFK="E"THEN20ELSE30 20 PRINT@277,D;:PRINT@240,"Enter filename for encoding: ";:INPUTF 21 CLS:F=F+D:IFRIGHT$(F,6)=ETHEN60 22 OPENFFORINPUTAS1:G=LEFT$(F,3)+E:OPENGFOROUTPUTAS2:GOSUB110 23 K=INPUT$(1,1):X=ASC(K)+N:IFX>255THENX=X-255 24 L=CHR$(X):PRINT#2,L;:IFEOF(1)THEN120ELSE23 30 PRINT@277,D;:PRINT@240,"Enter filename for decoding: ";:INPUTF 31 PRINT@271," ":PRINT@240,"Enter new (decoded) filename:";:INPUTG 32 CLS:F=F+D:IFRIGHT$(F,6)<>ETHEN70 33 OPENFFORINPUTAS1:G=G+D:OPENGFOROUTPUTAS2:GOSUB110 34 K=INPUT$(1,1):X=ASC(K)-N:IFX<0THENX=X+255 35 L=CHR$(X):PRINT#2,L;:IFEOF(1)THEN120ELSE34 50 IFERR=52THENPRINTB;" File Not Found ";C:FILES:RESUME100 55 CLS:PRINTB;" Error";ERR;"in line";ERL;C:CLOSE:STOP 60 GOSUB80:PRINTTAB(6)"This file is already encoded":GOTO100 70 GOSUB80:PRINTTAB(8)"This file is not encoded":GOTO100 80 PRINT@135,B;" WARNING ";C:RETURN 100 FORT=1TO5000:NEXT:GOTO11 110 PRINT@127,B;" CREATING ";G;" FILE ";C:RETURN 120 CLOSE:KILLF:MAXFILES=1:MENU