1 'KILL.100 - Reproduced from programming notes by Paul Globman (5/25/87) 2 ' 3 'A nice feature of the Tandy 200 is the ability to put the widebar cursor 4 'over a filename on its menu and press a function key to KILL the file and 5 'free the RAM it occupied. The Model 100 doesn't allow this... until now! 6 'Place the widebar cursor over any RAM file on the M100/102 menu and type 7 'KILL.BA + [ENTER] to delete that file. 8 ' 10 AD=64929+2*PEEK(65006):AD=PEEK(AD)+256*PEEK(AD+1):FOR I=3 TO 10:F$=F$+CHR$(PEEK(AD+I)):IF I=8 THEN F$=F$+"." 20 NEXT:M$="MENU"+CHR$(13):AD=65450:POKE AD,10:FOR I=1 TO 5:M=ASC(MID$(M$,I,1)):POKE AD+2*I,M:POKE AD+2*I+1,M:NEXT:KILL F$