0 'CLUB 100 Library, Modem 415-939-1246 1 'DRCTRY.BA by Paul Globman (C) 1988 2 'Revised 12/26/91 by Lex Jenkins 10 CLS 11 LCD=65024 12 LFILES"ROOT" 13 OPEN"R:DIRLST"FOROUTPUTAS1 14 PRINT#1," "DAY$" "DATE$" "TIME$ 15 CLOSE 16 GOSUB30 17 OPEN"R:DIRLST"FORINPUTAS1 18 LINE INPUT#1,D$(1) 19 FORI=1TO10:D$(I)=INPUT$(10,1):NEXT:CLOSE:FORII=1TO10:IFRIGHT$(D$(II),4)<>".<> "THENMENU 20 D$=LEFT$(D$(II),6) 21 KB$="CLS:LFILES"+CHR$(34)+D$+CHR$(34)+":CONT"+CHR$(13) 22 BUF=65451 23 FORJ=1TOLEN(KB$) 24 C=ASC(MID$(KB$,J,1)) 25 POKEBUF+(J-1)*2,C 26 POKEBUF+1+(J-1)*2,32 27 NEXTJ 28 POKEBUF-1,LEN(KB$) 29 STOP:PRINT@0,D$:GOSUB30:NEXTII:MENU 30 OPEN"R:/ROOT/DIRLST"FORAPPENDAS1 31 FORI=0TO319 32 PRINT#1,CHR$(PEEK(LCD+I)); 33 NEXTI 34 CALL23164,0,23366:CALL27795 35 CLOSE 36 RETURN 40 'GOSUB 30 captures the LCD and appends it to DIRLST.DO. 41 'Lines 10-16 display ROOT dir and puts it in DIRLST.DO. 42 'Lines 17-19 reads DIRLST.DO and builds an array of directory names. 43 'Lines 19-29 executes for each directory poke into keyboard buffer a 44 'CLS;LFILES "dir" and CONT. 45 'The STOP allows the keyboard buffer to execute, 46 'then continues by APPENDing current LCD display to DIRLST. 47 'Line 34 restores function keys to their default settings.