Club 100 Library - 415/939-1246 BBS, 937-5039 NEWSLETTER, 932-8856 VOICE Tips on WARM.BA... by: Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers 1/12/87 WARM.BA comes in handy when you have more than one .CO program on your 100/102 Menu, and you want to run each without having a cold-start! It's a simple but very effective program that prevents loading more than one M/L program into the laptop's HIMEM to MAXRAM area. The first part of the program sets F-Key definitions and allows branching to one of 6 lines that contains hard-to-remember `Top' addresses of frequently used M/L programs. To fit your needs, you'll need to edit line 2 to change the F-Key labels and lines 3 to 8 to insert the `Top' addresses of .CO programs you use often. If you only use three lines, type `RETURN' on the remaining three lines... simple as that! The last 3 lines in the program (9 to 11) pack a lot of power! After running one of your .CO programs, if you run WARM.BA and press labeled `Menu' before running another .CO program -- you will virtually eliminate cold-starts caused by the clashing of two machine language programs in high memory! Yu will also perform a couple of house-keeping chores that makes your 100/102 easier to use, as explained below: (a) CLEAR256,MAXRAM: - Resets HIMEM = MAXRAM so another M/L program cannot be accidently loaded... this is the real `crash' eliminator for new M100 users! More advanced users may want to eliminate this when loading more than one M/L program above HIMEM, using relocatable .CO programs. (b) MAXFILES=1: - Some programs set MAXFILES=0, and, although this saves 267 bytes of precious M100 RAM, it can cause a `BN Error' when running other programs. Some programs set MAXFILES>1 when INPUT'ing or OUTPUT'ing to more than 1 .DO file, and they forget to reset it to 1 (default). With MAXFILES setat 5, for example, you've lost 1068 bytes of available RAM, and contrary to the M100 Manual (p.157), entering BASIC does not reset this to 1! (c) GOSUB10: - This branches to the best two line program yet created (by a student at Brigham Young University, Don Corbitt, the original designer of the Chipmunk CDOS, later revised by PCSG). By itself, it's called TELKEY.100, and it pokes a couple of numbers in RAM so when you are `on-line' if you prss , you will see `xxxx Bytes free'... and if you press , you will see the names of the files on your Menu. Not as powerful as X-TEL.CO, but very convienient (good price, too!). (d) DATE$=LEFT$(DATE$,6)+"87": - Another time saver that corrects a bug in our M100's ROM (T102's also!). Ever notice the year change in DATE$? It gets bumped once in awhile while in TELCOM, or when running an M/L program, etc. This corrects the problem fast! So you can use WARM.BA to do many thingsbesides safely loading an M/L program! Enjoy... Bill