10:53:21 AM EST Sunday, January 26, 1986 (Sysop .^Dave^.) Phil Wheeler is our guest today on the topic, specifically, of file transfers or whatever else he decides to anwer questions on. (Phil W.) Good morning everyone--- file transfers are the best thing, but anything is fair game. POWR-DISK is a current interest, but file transfers a long term thing! (LARRY L) I am now using my Apple //e and its modem to transfer files for storage. is there a better way? I have seen some rs232 files in the dl but I haven't tried them...any commentsZ? (Phil W.) I'm sure there must be a better way. there are files in dl1 re apple transfers, APP100.TXT &.DO. I think they deal witha the subject. Mainly with a nullmodem rs232 set up you should be able to go very fast (Sysop .^Dave^.) M-ADOC.DO in DL 1 also has information on a file transfer program .... (Phil W.) The file FILTRN.CAT in DL1 is an excellent thing to get! (LARRY L) Phil mentioned macros...I would like to use some of the unused func keys in telcom any ideas? (Phil W.) There are some files in DL1 which will help with that; e.g. TELKEY.100 There are others, too (Sysop .^Dave^.) programming the keys as real "macro" keys is a tough nut. there are only two programs that I'm aware of that will allow you to pick your own key definitions. One is TELPRO and the other is SUPERA, both of which are described in DL 6. Free memory alone will be provided by a bunch of different programs here including XMODEM.312 and XMD100 [I think] as well as the Radio Shack TERM.BA that comes in a package of twelve programs; PLUS the TELKEY.100 that Phil referred to which is in DL 1. (Phil W.) TTELKEY.100 will do that! And stay resident (use it here). (BOB R) IS THERE A TRUE XMODEM PROGRAM AROUND FOR THE M100? ONE THAT WILL ALLOW DIRECT TRANSFER OF .CO AND .BA FILES WITHOUT HAVING TO CONVERT THEM TO ASCII? (Phil W.) Yes -- but it is not free X-TEL by SIGEA. Sysop Dave is a satisfied user (BOB R) WHERE CAN I FIND INFO ON IT? DL6 MAYBE? (Sysop .^Dave^.) Not in DL 6 as yet; Sigea Systems Inc, User ID 70310,171 for EasyPlex since they rarely come here and phone number is 617-647-1098 where you'll talk to Harry or Ellen Brawley or Joe Berkovitz. (LARRY L) I have been trying to use load.ba to convert xmd100.hex but it never finishes the my PCSG RAM is conflicting with the operation of this program? (Phil W.) When dealing with m/l program loading there are often unpublished conditions which must be met (like no other m/l stuff there at the time). You may have to un-install the RAM+ if you are using that, and make sure that himem = maxram when you start. This is pretty speculative, tho. Best is to message the author for advice. I use XMODEM.312 and find it very satisfactory and trouble free. So I've never tried XMD100 (LARRY L) phil..do you use xmodem on cis? (BOB R) THE PROBLEM I THINK HE IS HAVING IS DUE TO THE LOAD.BA CONVERTS THE HEX FILE INTO BINARY BYTES AND POKES THEM INTO HIGH MEMORY WHERE IT WILL RESIDE. YOU MUST FIRST CLEAR THE HIMEM POINTER SO IT WILL PROTECT THAT AREA OF MEMORY FROM BASIC. I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM WHEN I CONVERTED IT, IT DID A COLD RESET. (Sysop .^Dave^.) Larry, I'd suggest that you work with XMODEM.312 for compatibility unless you've problems with that too. (Phil W.) Sounds like Bob has the LOAD.BA experience and that Larry and Rich should get togehter wiht hinm (BOB R) FOR THE LOAD.BA AND XMD100 TRY DOING 'CLEAR 256,59300, SEEMS LIKE WHAT I HAD TO DO. (Sysop .^Dave^.) Many of us use XMODEM.312 on CompuServe regularly with no problems. Have you tried that??? (LARRY L) no dave but i will...thanks... (Phil W.) Yes, Larry -- I do use xmodem.312, particulary for uploading to dl's (LARRY L) phil..what settings do you use? (Phil W.) Uhh -- you mean for comming into CIS? (LARRY L) yes...just mean anything special? (Phil W.) I use M7I1E at 300 baud (m100) and 1200, N1E at 1200 baud for IBM (Sysop .^Dave^.) M7I1E is most definitely the preferred setting for CompuServe (Phil W.) It turns out that if you log onto CIS at different baud rates you can store different defalt (CIS-9) parameters for each. So if you come here with a big computer and want to use xmodem with that, you should have NO parity set in the DEFALT (LARRY L) is that Rick perry's xmdm you use? (Phil W.) Yes; Rick's program in its latest reincarnation is XMODEM.312. There is a patch for it which makes it possible to use it to upload messages from memorey to public domain BBS's. Rick Mendoza is the source of the poatch but I don't know if it is in the DL's. I picked it up off a message and it works great! (Sysop .^Dave^.) [Nope.] (LARRY L) maybe you could upload it or ask rick... (Phil W.) I suppose I could do that. I think I have it on Disk. (Sysop .^Dave^.) Phil, why is a patch needed?? Ask Rick about it. 71676,725. (Phil W.) The patch makes the M100 deal with the line number prompting which most BBS's use in their message systems (Sysop .^Dave^.) Oh! Gotcha! So rarely use BBS that I'd fergawt bout that. (John R) Is it possible to use the XMODEM transfer using XMODEM.312 with a direct connection? I haven't figgered out how to do it. (Phil W.) Well John. I haven't tried that one, since I've never had ANY errors in a direct null modem xfer (which I assume is what you mean by direct). (John R) The problem is not with error correction, but that I can't get both the 100 and 2000 to talk with 8-bit transfers without using the XMODEM protocol and I need to save files with the French characters which require the 8-th bit. (Phil W.) My experience with the M2000 is zilch, but I use the IBM and the M100 together at 8N1E in direct connection at 9600 baud to save Wordstar and othe files. Program I use is FLTIBM (DL1). It may work on '2000, but it hasn't been tried. So use of XMODEM is not required for 8 bit transfers (John R) Thanks. I will take a look at it. I am using comsh on the 2000 ... and just haven't figured out how to get it to do 8-bit transfers. (Sysop .^Dave^.) FLTIBM.DOC is the instructions the files have other names depending on which you take and John to the best of my knowledge X-TEL.CO is the ONLY program that permits 8-bit XMODEM transfers. (John R) XMODEM.312 transfers 8-bit text files just fine. You are probably referring to .CO and .BA files. (Sysop .^Dave^.) Keerekt. (JOEL L) Is a non-protocol down load to M100 Ok to obtain XMODEM.321 ? (Phil W.) Yes, it is a Basic program, like any other on the SIG it can be dowed with out a protocol (JOEL L) comment on machine to machine: pip works well in cpm/ to or from m100 (Phil W.) Well Joel I have used PIP on the Kaypro for that purpose, but only with Phone connection. For direct I prefer FLTKP (DL1) or (more general) NULMDM.ASM in either the Kaypro SIG or the CP/M SIG. (JOEL L) why i have Osborne (Phil W.) there are several files in DL1 whaich deal with Ozzy xfers ... but then you've problaby read tham already! (LARRY L) is null modem accomplished simply by reversing TRX and RCX on one end of the modem cable? (Phil W.) Not always. The use makes a difference. Often that is enough but some software needs the handshaking provided by crossing pins 4 & 5 as well per FLTIBM.NUL (DL1). Tony's NULL.MDM in DL5 is a good place to start. (LARRY L) But for basic comp<->comp communications it's enough?.. (Phil W.) It will USUALLY be enough! (Sysop Tony) I've got a comment or three on null modems. There are four different configurations that are called "null modems". The one you have to use depends on what your particular computer wants. In many cases the simple one in the file NULL.MDM (DL5) will suffice. as Phil learned, and has pointed out in his alternate file is that the IBM series seem to need a different configuration. Whatever works. (Phil W.) it's more a matter of whether the software uses the status lines for its operation. In the FLT pgms, it does. For example to permit direct loading of BA files (which must tokenize on the way in) from the big computer to the M100 (or M200). For straight DO file xfer the Xoff is probably never sent tho (Sysop Tony) We aren't in disagreement, Phil. But since your programs are IBM oriented and they need a different null modem... you've provided it; that's all... (Phil W.) Tony I agereee we agree , BUT the Kaypro pgms need it to -- so it is not the hardware so much as how the software was written. Small but vital point. (ANN FATHY) How can I transfer data from 200 to apple IIe with Apple SSC? (Phil W.) That question is pretty Apple-peculiar on one end. Suggest you look in DL1 here and get APP100.DOC, APP100.TXT and some other files (help!). Wherever the Model 100 files say 37n1 or what ever use 37N1N1. (LARRY L) ann do you have a modem in your apple? (ANN FATHY) I do not have a modem in myh apple. (LARRY L) if you did you could call it with m100 (Phil W.) Larry, if you do Apple xfers, describe how (LARRY L) set m100 on answer and both comps on half duplex.. have apple call m100 by hooking the tel conn.s together and voila! (Sysop Tony) on the subject of file transfers. Seems a lot of folks don't realize the Model 100 and Tandy 200 are among the friendliest computers available for file transfers, and the file transfer problems are almost always on the other end. Getting files out is easy. Either in direct mode, via a "Load from" or Save to" command right in the file, or via TELCOM upload and download techniques. The modem to modem connection works, but should only be considered as a last resort, or where there are no alternatives, or where time is of no import. Transferring via direct RS-232 connection is faster, and generally superior. (Phil W.) Thats a very impotant point Tony, and cannot be overempjhasized. Another is that I tyope funny. Seriously, there is another one to be made here; Anythin you can do with the M100 can be done with the M200 or the NEC (Sysop Tony) (and almost with the M10) (Phil W.) if you have the right syntax. EXAMPLE: on the '200 save to:88N1E ... becomes save to:88N1EN1 and on the NEC Save to: 8N81ENN (I think) (Sysop Tony) (100 = 88N1E; 200 = 88N1ENI) (Phil W.) On the M10, the syntax is unknown to me, but is probably same as M100 and Tony is right NI, not N1 on the '200 (Sysop Tony) Can you discuss the capabilities of the POWR-D product??? Some folks have mentioned that it now supports direct uploading and downloading to disk. Is that correct? and can that technique be useful? (Phil W.) Well that isn't quite true at the present time. someone on the SIG has figured out a way to do it, but I think that is with an external modem, not the usual way people use the M100. But Joel Dinda and Wooods Martin are both scheming over applications of POWR-D, anbd I expect some good ones. I thaink that direct download could be done, but it MAY require some hardware mod; hope not. The key is to be able to redirect the RS-232 without hanging up the line. I hope the fellow who is working on this will upload his approach so we can work with it. (John R) I don't think that direct download will be possible without some hardware mods and possibly an external modem and RS232 switch as well. So, everybody out there who needs that capability had better buy a Chipmunk. (Phil W.) I certainly agree that if you need that capablility the way to go is not the TDD at this time. But ya never know what might come to pass even machine language on the '600 is a remote possibility! (John R) Machine language on the 600 is already a built-in feature. We just need to figure out how to get at it. (Phil W.) right! That is what I meant. Natually, no machine could not have m/l (the very definition of Machine Language), but to use it, that is the question. But I don't own a '600. (John R) My point was that the 100 is specifically designed NOT to be able to use the modem and RS232 ports at the same time, so that H/W mods will be needed for direct downloads to the TDD. (Phil W.) I cannot disagree with your logic and undrestanding John. The way to go for direct disk downloads is the Chipmunk. Anything for the futre us of the TDD in this mode is pure speculation and not all that likely. tony's original question related (I think) to a series of messages on the SIG from someone who is using the M100, TDD & POWR-D for direct downloads with and external modem and another connection via the CAS port. Innovative, but not for everyone. (John R) Interesting. It would be easy to develop another RS232 port "plug in" as well to allow direct downloads, etc. (Phil W.) Yes, Or even a minor h/w mod (Sysop .^Dave^.) Want to right thankee the young whipper snapper from California for coming by to guest this morning in the wee hours. Thankee Phil!!! This CO is at an end ... All go to Yak-yak mode ... (Phil W.) Thanks to all for being here! User ID Nod Handle ----------- --- ------------ 70025,1356 CNC Jim Crabtree 70466,1511 BTM Maddi 70506,1261 SIE Sysop Tony 71256,757 BOO Allan 71266,125 LBC Phil W. 71706,334 LSM Rich H 72146,2632 DCI Mike A. 72207,3402 MAD JohnS. 72256,2551 TOC Gary D. 72276,2454 DCI WAYNE S. 72276,3505 ANA john k 72407,3224 SYR Marty T 72737,3431 RAL BOB R 72737,72 NFK David C 72746,1014 OKC John R 72757,100 DLQ Joe Magee 73076,3322 TAL Jon R. 73107,1522 SDC ANN FATHY 73107,2265 ANN JOEL L 73107,370 SAD Kent Pollock 73176,1625 QCA RossR 73216,53 DET Steve K 73765,605 NYJ LARRY L 75226,2072 SPO H. Marc Lewis 75665,767 DCI JIM C. 75715,100 ATJ RICH L 75725,1130 CVK CURTIS G 76067,556 NYJ Frank 76317,1624 MLW John Wallace 76606,1213 VEN RON T. SMITH 76606,731 QCA W Brad Walls 76703,446 BMD Sysop .^Dave^.