LIBSIZ.THD (c)1989 Golden Triangle, Inc. (c)1989 Wilson Van Alst Fm: Alan Pesetsky To: sysop (X) What file or files do I download to get a complete catalog of files and programs in the library for the Mod100. =+=+=+=+=+= Fm: Tony Anderson To: Alan Pesetsky I don't think you're really aware of what you're asking. There are almost 4000 programs and files in the library; a simple index, which tells you nothing more than a file's name and where the file is located is over 120K. The complete index is stored in Library 1 in 27 downloadable files, INDEX.0-9 for programs whose names start with a number, and INDEX.A to INDEX.Z for files whose names start with a letter. There is also an ARCed version of the INDEX if you can download into a PC. There are numerous catalogs throughout the library, starting with CATLOG.CAT in Library 1. The catalog files are approaching a megabyte of information. There is an ARCed version in each library which contains all the .CAT files in that library, which can be downloaded into a PC. Going into each library, and using any of the various commands that will give you a listing and description of the files, DIR, or SCA /DES, will produce well over a megabyte of information. If you are downloading at 300 baud, you are talking about hours and hours of download time. Even at 1200 baud, which is in common use around here, you're still talking at least 4 hours of download time. If you have a PC running at 2400 baud, probably 2 1/2 hours of download time. -- It's a big project! But if you want it, it's there for the downloading. =+=+=+=+=+= Fm: Bill Brandon [DPTRAIN] To: Alan Pesetsky As Tony has indicated, a complete catalog would be quite an undertaking. There is another method which may be less time-consuming (though still a big and expensive job). That is to go to each library and type SCAN SHORT, and be ready to capture the result. It will still take lots of time and storage to accomplish this. =+=+=+=+=+= Fm: Bill Brandon [DPTRAIN] To: Alan Pesetsky Oh, forgot to mention: SCAN SHORT will list the files for you in reverse chronological order. That is, the newest files in each forum will be listed first. If you want a list sorted alphabetically, enter SCAN *.* SHORT. I would like to say again that the list you will get in some of the libraries will probably exceed the memory capacity of the 100. To work around this, you might want to SCAN A*.* SHORT, then SCAN L*.SHORT, and so on, using whatever alphabetic interval will fit into your available RAM. The files in your 100 could be named LIB1A, LIB1L, and so on. =+=+=+=+=+= Fm: Tony Anderson To: Alan Pesetsky In response to your message, I took a look at what would be involved in downloading a complete catalog, and made a list of which files would be involved. Here is the resulting list of what you would need to download: Library 1 INDEX.0-9 1145 INDEX.A 4413 INDEX.B 5174 INDEX.C 15258 INDEX.D 9631 INDEX.E 3088 INDEX.F 5586 INDEX.G 3474 INDEX.H 3152 INDEX.I 1086 INDEX.J 464 INDEX.K 792 INDEX.L 4618 INDEX.M 6627 INDEX.N 2074 INDEX.O 1148 INDEX.P 10505 INDEX.Q 1459 INDEX.R 5248 INDEX.S 9336 INDEX.T 11108 INDEX.U 2577 INDEX.V 1258 INDEX.W 2784 INDEX.X 2459 INDEX.Y 147 INDEX.Z 385 CATLOG.CAT 8065 CONF86.CAT 21627 CONF87.CAT 16284 CONF88.CAT 1507 CONFER.CAT 3125 HELP.CAT 5327 MISC.CAT 8325 THD-01.CAT 1451 THREAD.CAT 31430 Library 2 MISC.CAT 11404 PRINTS.CAT 18318 SETUPS.CAT 12729 THD-02.CAT 1438 Library 3 FILTRN.CAT 20475 MISC.CAT 16477 TELCOM.CAT 14620 TERMNL.CAT 26522 THD-03.CAT 3882 Library 4 BUSNES.CAT 9104 CRDFIL.CAT 4140 ENGINR.CAT 4934 FINANC.CAT 17124 MATH.CAT 10436 MISC.CAT 31477 SCHEDL.CAT 23485 SSHEET.CAT 13181 THD-04.CAT 829 Library 5 ADVENT.CAT 5359 ARCADE.CAT 8771 GAMES.CAT 15363 GAMING.CAT 6019 PUZZLE.CAT 3130 Library 6 GRPHIC.CAT 20422 MUSIC.CAT 16470 THD-06.CAT 477 XMAS.CAT 3126 Library 7 BARCOD.CAT 2515 HDWEUT.CAT 4528 PASSWD.CAT 4147 RAM.CAT 17585 TEXTUT.CAT 20842 THD-07.CAT 857 UTILTY.CAT 23777 Library 8 ASSMBL.CAT 16839 BASIC.CAT 11377 FORTH.CAT 6806 PGMUTL.CAT 4719 REFRNC.CAT 15326 THD-08.CAT 8031 Library 9 CHIPMK.CAT 14508 DVI.CAT 9491 HARDWR.CAT 10791 SPELL.CAT 3949 TDDPGM.CAT 21185 TDDTEK.CAT 14982 TDDUTL.CAT 16361 THD-09.CAT 4115 Library 10 GAMES.CAT 5707 GRPHIC.CAT 7450 MISC.CAT 6521 REFRNC.CAT 2900 SCHEDL.CAT 2649 TELCOM.CAT 8646 TEXTUT.CAT 8228 THD-10.CAT 1474 UTILTY.CAT 18513 Library 11 BUSNES.CAT 6491 ENTATN.CAT 6119 MISC.CAT 6393 TECH.CAT 3329 TELCOM.CAT 812 THD-11.CAT 1146 UTILTY.CAT 7729 Library 12 FINANC.CAT 1523 GAMES.CAT 2022 GRPHIC.CAT 3089 MISC.CAT 301 REFRNC.CAT 2697 SCHEDL.CAT 1236 THD-12.CAT 128 TXTFRM.CAT 2714 UTILTY.CAT 8118 Library 13 PRODCT.CAT 6326 PROGRM.CAT 11894 REFRNC.CAT 4150 REVIEW.CAT 14363 THD-13.CAT 5335 Total: 1,125,765 bytes At 300 baud, assuming maximum continuous throughput of 30 characters per second, 108,000 characters per hour, 10 1/2 hours downloading time; 1200 baud, maximum throughput, 2 2/3 hours; 2400 baud, maximum throughput, 1 1/3 hour. Obviously you cannot maintain such download speeds into one of the portables, and don't have the capacity to receive such a large amount of data. In addition, you'd have to do a DIR or SCA /DES download from Libraries 14, 15 and 17, since these libraries do not have indexes or catalog files. Or, if you have a PC or compatible, you can download and deARC these files instead: Lib 1: INDEX.ARC 57301 Lib 2: CAT-02.ARC 23942 Lib 3: CAT-03.ARC 43334 Lib 4: CAT-04.ARC 61689 Lib 5: CAT-05.ARC 22736 Lib 6: CAT-06.ARC 22682 Lib 7: CAT-07.ARC 40838 Lib 8: CAT-08.ARC 34564 Lib 9: CAT-09.ARC 50348 Lib 10: CAT-10.ARC 35625 Lib 11: CAT-11.ARC 21061 Lib 12: CAT-12.ARC 14108 Lib 13: CAT-13.ARC 24071 Total: 452,299 bytes This would miss the Library 1 catalog files, which are not available in ARCed format. =+=+=+=+=+= Starting message #: 188996 Starting date: 22-Oct-89 08:37:47 Participants: Alan Pesetsky 75675,1535 Tony Anderson 76703,4062 Bill Brandon [DPTRAIN] 76701,256