10 'CAPS.100 (c) 1989 M.J. Nugent, Jr. 20 'Public domain. Distribute freely. 30 READ SCRN, PRTR, UL, UM, NL, NM, XL, XM 40 DEV=SCRN:DEV$="screen":GOSUB 70 50 DEV=PRTR:DEV$="printer":GOSUB 70 60 MENU 70 LSB=PEEK(DEV):MSB=PEEK(DEV+1) 80 IF LSB=UL AND MSB=UM OR LSB=NL AND MSB=NM THEN POKE DEV,LSB XOR XL:POKE DEV+1,MSB XOR XM:RETURN 90 BEEP 100 PRINT "Cannot change ";DEV$;"--press any key..." 110 IF INKEY$="" THEN 110 120 RETURN 130 DATA 64226, 64228, 233, 15, 243, 127, 26, 112 140 ' 150 'For other computers, replace line 130 data with the following: 160 'Tandy 200 use 62735, 62739, 20, 16, 168, 156, 188, 140 170 'NEC 8201/8300 use 63956, 63960, 182, 18, 219, 127, 109, 109 180 ' 190 'If capitalization is not desired on the screen, delete line 40. If not desired on the printer, delete line 50. If not desired on either, what are you doing with this program, anyway?