CAPS.BA makes your notebook computer display all uppercase letters on the screen and print all uppercase letters on the printer. The actual data in your files remains unchanged; only the the display and/or printout is made uppercase. To use CAPS.BA, simply run it. The first time it's run, capitalization is turned on. Running it again turns capitalization off, restoring normal operation. (It's a toggle.) CAPS.BA works by using two system hooks, one in the screen display routine, and the other in the printer output routine. Because certain other software may use these hooks, CAPS.BA plays it safe. If a hook is already in use by another program, CAPS.BA will not alter it, but instead will beep and print the message that no change was made to that hook. If the other hook is unused, it will still be modified. As explained in the REM statements, using CAPS.BA on the Tandy 200 and NEC 8201/8300 is simply a matter of substituting the appropriate DATA values in line 130. I developed CAPS.BA in response to efforts by Model 100 Forum members to help a fellow SIG member with a visual impairment. Thanks to all who contributed their time and brainpower, and I hope this program makes computer use a bit easier for some of our fellow lap-types. -- Nuge --