COLCRD.BAS is another column program based upon COLUMN.100 by Bill Stauffer, 70435,237 in dl2 to develop a multiple column file output or printout. This program splits larger files up by pages for the normal 8 1/2 X 11 size paper. (pays attention to page perforations) It also adds outputs to rotary type file cards and labels. See COLCRD.MOD for use and instructions for this. It also replaces the headers with a title line (optional.)The input files can be in RAM, on cassette (CAS:) or on disks (0:xxx with approriate DOS), with an extension of DO. You do not have to enter the ext. when the file input is requested. The output file (no ext.) can be to RAM, Cassette Disks, LCD:, CRT:(DVI), and printers (LPT:). It uses no special Calls, Peeks or Pokes.The only special codes are the printer codes. The program is self-explanatory and it prompts you thru all the steps. It should work on the 100/102 and the 200 It was written with the printer codes for a GEMINI 10X printer, so these will have to be changed for other printers. An explanation of the program and codes follow: Line 10: Clear enough space (memory) for your file OS error in line 110 - clear more space Dim V The number of lines in your original file BS error in line 110 - increase size of DIM V Line 175: These are the output file parameters that were selected in line 170.They are contained in the Data statements at the end. The line numbers (1000+K1)of the Data statements correspond to the number (K1) of the type of output you want. EC: Characters per line N: # of lines you want on the form. N1: Maximum # of lines on each form. F: My printer codes for pica, elite and condensed fonts (pitch).(10, 12, 17 characters per inch) You can change these values to fit your need or your printers need. PRINTER CODES Line 15: S= CHR$(27) Printer Escape Code Line 512: W = Font (pitch) printer codes selected at menu. Mine: W = S+CHR$(66)+CHR$(F) Line 518: Sends codes to printer. Line 525: Sends top of form (TOF) to printer. If you don't have a TOF code, substitute "GOSUB 700" for LPRINT CHR$(12). PRINTER PROBLEMS: See alternate print module in COLCRD.MOD If worse comes to worse and all else fails, never use LPT: as an output. You can then use your word processor and printer set up programs to print the files out. 2 - SIDED OUTPUT See 2 sided output module in COLCRD.MOD COLCRD.MOD Contains 3 modules that can be merged into COLCRD.BAS.It also contains their instructions. Use cut and paste to remove the modules. I hope this info will get this program to work with your printer. If you are having problems contact me by EMAIL or by message. Try some TEXT files!! Ralph D. Walthall , [74016,1660]