In the May 1984 issue of PORTABLE 100 (pages 22 and 25), David Busch published a BASIC program for counting the number of words in a Model 100 .DO file. Unfortunately, this program has a logical flaw. This flaw leads to errors whose magnitude depends on the file structure. In short files or files with short records the error can be greater than 10%. The flaw in Dave's program is that it does not count words which end with a carriage return. It counts only words ending with a space. You can see this by examining line 260 in his program. The word count CU is not incremented unless a space character is preceded by a non-space character. However, words often terminate with a carriage returns, for example in: Paragraph ends. Listings (as this one). Data files. Downloaded text files. Programs. My revision of Dave's program appears in XA4 as COUNT.HFS. This program uses the same line numbers as the original program where the same or a similar line is used for easy reference. Line 285 adds words ending with a carriage return to the word counter. This version works with the Radio Shack TRS-80 Disk/ Video Interface for the Model 100 (line 110) . When entering a DVI filename, be sure to include the disk designation ("0:") and the extension, if any. For RAM files, the .DO extension is automatic. A lively display is added to assure the user that counting is in process (lines 250 and 260). An audio signal sounds the end of program. As an author, I could see no reason to output the mean number of characters per word and dropped it. The character counter ( "CHAR") in the original program gives values that differ significantly from the byte count of the file. In line 260 I reduce this error to within 5%. The .BA file for this program takes 721 bytes with remarks. You can reduce it to 506 bytes by deleting lines 10-20.