Deety.100 User Documentation ============================ This program is based on Moe.100, which was written by Larry Gensch (75665,1405). It may help to look at MoeDoc.100 for further information. But briefly, it "animates your Model 100. By that, I mean it allows it to seem to understand english commands and respond with random responses. It is based on the character "Gay Deciever" in Robert Heinlein's "Number of the Beast". This program adds flexability and removes the need for SUBLIB.CO from Moe.100. To accomplish this goal, I rewrote Moe from scratch. This is the result as it currently stands. As with most programs I write, it is an on going project, and will probably never be "done". A Typical Session: Hiya Boss! Hello, Deety. Hello good looking! What time is it, please? Isn't your watch working? My clock says '2:33 pm'. Thanks. What is your name? Deety, but you can call me SweetHeart. Okay SweetHeart. My name is Jim Straus. Glad to meet you Jim Glad to meet you too. Please list ( will be printed now until it is ended or a key is it) That's all of it! Finally, could you please run fixup (and off we go to FIXUP) As you can see, many commands have been implemented, and arguments are allowed for the commands. Programming Notes: Lines Description ===== =========== 10-40 Variable definitions 100-140 Variable initialization 900-920 Opening remark 1000-1560 Main loop 1000-1020 Loop initialization 1100-1170 Get input and clean up 1200-1310 Get next search word 1400-1560 Check for match and Build up argument list 1700-1750 Gets argument 1900-1910 Handles no matches 2000-2530 Builds response 2000-2250 Picks random response 2300-2370 Finds commands 2380-2400 Executes command and inserts returned value 2500-2530 Prints response line 3000-3220 Gets input line 3500-3550 Converts string to U/C 3700-3990 Handles arguments to commands 4000-6999 Code for the commands 9000-9030 Handler for personality errors 9500-9540 Handler for command errors 9900-9940 Catches program errors Personality File Format: Line 1: Default responses, if no keyword was found Line 2: Key words 1 Line 3: Responses 1 Line 4: Key words 2 Line 5: Responses 2 . . . The first line is the set of possible responses if no key words were found in the input line. Each pair of lines from there go together. The first is a set of keywords to be matched. They should all be in UPPER CASE separated by |'s (GRPH+SHIFT+"-"). If you need two keywords separated by some arbitrary text, seperate them by &'s. (for example FILE&INTO would match "file this into") The second line are the possible responses to select from. They are also separated by |'s. Commands within the selected response are acted upon, and if they return text, it is inserted into response. The Commands: The commands currently implemented are: Command Does ======= ==== %TI% Returns the time in AM/PM format %DA% Returns the current day %DT% Returns the current date %NL% NewLine. a CR, LF pair %CS% Clears the screen %CL%(
) ML calls the address %RN%() Runs the named program %FL% Returns the directory of files %OF% Turns off the power and resumes on power up %P% Returns a % %FI%(,) Adds text to named file %0%-%9% Returns first-tenth input argument %ME% Goes to the main menu %LI%() Lists the named file %SE%(,,) Searches named file for a line containing specified text The arguments to the commands that need them can be other commands or literal text. For example, to make a response to WHO IS, I used Don't you know %SE%(ADRS,%1%,anyone I know)? In this case, %SE% needs three inputs. The first is the name of the file to search (ADRS in this case). The second is the text to look for. In this case, it is the word after the WHO IS in the input line. The final input is what to return if the text couldn't be found in the file. The arguments from the input line are numbered 0 to 9. 0 is from the text before the searched for word. 1 is from after the first searched for word. It continues for the rest of the searched for words. In the text, only the first word is taken as an argument, unless the text is enclosed in quotes ("). For example, in the text Jim Straus Jim would be stored as the argument, but "Jim Straus" would store Jim Straus. The program can easily be extended. The commands are kept in the string CO separated by |'s again. Corresponding numbers to say which routine to run. Finally, lines 2380 and 3980 need to be extended if you want more than 20 commands. The routines should return values in the string ZO. If they use arguments, gosub 3700. It will put the number of arguments in MP and the text for them in the array ZP() The text in ZP will have been expanded already if it contained commands. Limitaions: Mostly that the program got slower in the expansion. Right now, it takes approximately 8 seconds to search the personality file from end to end (determined by giving Deety an unrecognized command). Maybe someone can speed it up. Other things to be done are to add more commands and extend the personality file. Good luck! Jim Straus [70116,667]