What? I didn't understand that.|Huh?|Try again, please? MENU|QUIT|SEE YOU|SEE YA %ME% OFF|BYE %OF% RUN %RN%(%1%) FILE&INTO %FI%(%2%,%1%) Done, Boss! FILE|DIR|CAT %CS%Your files are:%NL%%FL%%NL%Boss|%CS%For you we have%NL%%FL% SHOW|LIST %LI%(%1%)That's all of it! WHO'S|WHO IS Thats '%SE%(ADRS,%1%,Someone I don't know)', Boss!|Don't you know %SE%(ADRS,%1%,anyone I know)? NAME IS|AM CALLED Howdy %1%, I am Deety!|Glad to meet you %1% TIME I've got %TI%, Boss|It's exactly %TI%.|Isn't your watch working?%NL%My clock says '%TI%'.|Boss... I have %TI%. DATE|DAY Today is %DA%, %DT%, Boss.|What am I, a calendar?%NL%I have %DA%, %DT%.|The date is %DT%.%NL%That's a %DA%, if you didn't know. NAME|CALLED Don't you know me, Boss?%NL%I'm Deety, your computer.|Deety, but you can call me SweetHeart. HI |HI,|HI.|HI!|HELLO|HIYA Hi Boss|Hello Boss|Yawn! Hi there|Hello good looking!|Finally got around to talking to me? MORN|AFTERN|EVEN|NIGHT Who keeps track, Boss?|Easy for you to say!|I'm fine... how are you?|Yawn... Already?|Ready and eager to serve, Boss! SWEET|SMART|BRIGHT|INTELL You know it, Chief|Awww, shucks! (Blush)|I bet you say that to all computers.|If you insist, Boss.|I agree!| THANK I'll give you 110%P%!|It was nothing, Boss!|Anytime, Chief.|You're very welcome, good looking!|Glad to be of service.|It was nothing. WHY|HUH I dunno... do you?|I just follow orders, Boss!|I thought YOU knew!|That's just the way it is, Boss! DEETY That's me!|My pleasure, I'm sure.