This is a re-write of the EP4V2.100 submitted by Richard Helman 70536,1061. With the exception of line spacing and page numbering all formating controls can be imbedded within the body of the text. . Both margins can be reset at any time along with page length (5-60 lines). Up to ten tabs stops can be specified [must be in ascending sequence no check is made]. Tabbing is performed using the key itself rather than a multiple key sequence. . Inorder to prevent transmitting data faster than the EP44 can process it the data is formated into approximately two print line groups. Also transmit speed is limited to 300 baud. . A new feature added to the program is a graphic representation of the format of the printed page. This display is generated during the formating process. If you wish to check the layout of your document before making a hardcopy do not active the EP44. . Tokenized the program is 3,558 bytes long. The documentation for the formating control codes is contained in DATA statments at the end of the program. If you delete lines 500-580 the program shrinks to approx. 2,861 bytes. [Also change 210 to a RETURN and delete 211-290] To improve performance the CLEAR statement is set to 2,000, minimum size is 600. . . PROGRAM NOTES: . . LINE# DESCRIPTION . ----- ----------- . 14 Space inserter for tab stop . 16 Format cntrl parser . 210 Documentation displayer . 300 Setup info fetcher . 400 Tab set reader . . VAR DESCRIPTION . --- ----------- . NP$ Page number switch . RV$ Reverse video on . NV$ Referse video off . A Input char from .DO file . AA Input char for parser . AB Tab char . AC Format codes . AR . B Current line being formated . BB Transmission string . C Skip blank switch . DS Double space switch . L Page length . LL Work . LM Left margin . M Work . ML Work . N # of printable char in B . PL # of lines printed . V Current page # . Y Total char printed