EPSON.DOC EPSON.SET is a versatile, user-friendly, general purpose printer set up program for the EPSON FX80 printer. It is command driven with automatic command completion and verification. It may be used alone, or as one of the cornerstones of a powerful customizable wordprocessing system comprised of Jim Irwin's PRN100, the EPSCHR.GEN custom character genreator, and the EPSCHR.100 program for loading the Model 100's CHR$(128)-CHR$(255) into the FX80's RAM. This package gives the Model 100 full math/science word processing capabilities including Greek, math/science characters, custom characters, super/subscripts, and many other features. The package takes only about 5K of ram when loaded. The following files from this SIG are required: EPSON.SET EPSCHR.100 EPSCHR.GEN EPSGR.EEK plus Jim Irwin's PRN100.BAS PRN100.DOC PRN100.LDR PRN100.MOD PRN100.OBJ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use the PRN100 files to load the machine language print program PRINT.CO as per Jim Irwin's instructions in PRN100.DOC Edit line 20 of PRN100.BAS to set I=59850 so as to allow ample space for your custom printer control codes, then run PRN100.BAS to enter control codes as described in PRN100.MOD I suggest the following codes for math/science word processing applications: ^B+ 27,69 Bold-on ^B- 27,70 Bold-off ^D+ 27,71 Doublestrike-on ^D- 27,72 Doublestrike-off ^E+ 27,52,27,37,0,0 Italic-on ^E- 27,53 Italic-off ^F+ 27,83,1,15,27,65,6 Fineprint-on ^F- 27,84,18,27,50 Fineprint-off ^H+ 8,27,106,12,94,27,74,12 Backspace, reverse 1/18" and place ^ over previous character ^H- 8 Backspace ^L+ 27,74,18 0.5 linefeed (1/12") ^L- 27,106,18 0.5 reverse linefeed (-1/12") ^R+ 27,37,1,0 Select custom Greek/Math characters set in printer RAM ^R- 27,37,0,0 Select standard character set in printer ROM ^S+ 15,27,83 ^S+1 selects subscript and ^S+0 selects superscript ^S- 18,27,84 Sub/super scripts-off ^U+ 27,45,49 Underline-on ^U- 27,45,48 Underline-off NOTE: Typestyle is assumed to be pica and linespacing 6 lines/inch for these printer control codes. Unpredictable results may result from other other settings. 2. Save EPSON.SET as in RAM as SETFX.BA (it replaces SETFX.BAS if you have previously downloaded it from this SIG). 3. Load EPSCHR.GEN and save as FXGEN.BA (it replaces FXGEN.100). Download EPSGR.EEK into the file CHAR.DO. It contains data for loading the Greek alphabet to the FX80. Create and add any additional custom characters which you desire to the file CHAR.DO using FXGEN.BA 4.Type the BASIC command CLEAR256,57000 to clear (more than enough) space for the GREEK/MATH custom character data to be stored as a machine code data file. Then, run option 6 on the menu of FXGEN.BA to copy the custom character data in CHAR.DO into a compact machine code data file (requiring only about 13 bytes per character). The program will tell you the top address and end address used by the machine code character data file. (Note: the end address will be 59849, just above the top address 59850 of program PRINT.CO created in step 1 above.) 5. Enter the BASIC command CLEAR256,topaddress where topaddress is the top of the custom character machine code data file obtained in step 4. 6. Save PRINT.CO together with the machine language custom character data and the custom printer control codes to tape in a single file with the command SAVEM"PRINT",topaddress,62972,60503 where topaddress is again the top address of the custom character data obtained in step 4. 6. Download the basic program EPS100.CHR, load and save as MOD100.BA This program, which is called by one of the options of SETFX.BA, reads the data for the Model 100's special character set directly from the screen, then calculates the equivalent FX80 data and loads it into the FX80's RAM as CHR$( 128)-CHR$(255). It takes only about 90 seconds to do all 128 characters. If no further custom characters will be generated for awhile, the files CHAR.DO and FXGEN.BA may be saved to tape and killed now, leaving the the following files for math/science word-processing with the Model 100: SETFX.BA MOD100.BA PRINT.CO If you like, you may also kill PRINT.CO as it is now called directly by the machine code CALL 60503 from the main menu of SETFX.BA USE OF EPSON.SET AND PRINT.CO FOR MATH/SCIENCE WORDPROCESSING Mathematical formula including subscripts may be readily entered in TEXT-mode using ^P (i.e., control-P) to insert the printer control codes to shift between the printer's RAM and ROM for Greek and special math symbols,to insert super/ subscripts, to forward and reverse linefeed and so forth. For example, a text.DO file containing x^L-^H-.^L+ = f^S+1y^S-(^R+g^R-) would print as the mathematical equation "x dot equals f-sub-y of gamma" when the SETFX.BA menu option GREEKCHR$ is used to first load the Greek alphabet into the printer's RAM and the SETFX.BA option PRINT is used to call Jim Irwin's machine language PRN100. The equation "y-hat equals integral from alpha to beta of f(x)dx" might be entered as y^H+ = ^R+(GRPH-i)^S+1a^H-^L-b^L+^R-^S-f(x)dx Mike Safonov 3606 Barry Ave. Mar Vista, CA 90066