INTRODUCTION FORMAT.100 provides formatted printouts of .DO files. It is suitable for magazine articles, letters, and similar tasks which do not require special layout control or footnoting. It is specifically written for the Brother CE-50 typewriter/printer, but it can be easily adapted to other parallel port printers (details under "Customizing"). FEATURES FORMAT.100 prints at 30 CPS. It supports first-page addressing and titlng, page heading and numbering. With the CE-50, it provides underlining and backspace/overstrike. FORMAT.100 also has a 'Preview' function, which displays a pixel-map of the page layout on the Model 100 screen. USING FORMAT.100 I've loaded FORMAT.100 exactly as I use it, to guarantee you have a functioning program. You'll first want to change the address and phone number (see Customizing). Let's assume you've done so. FORMAT.100 uses ordinary ASCII text files. GRPH-1 is the CE-50 backspace command, and UNDERLINE <_> toggles the underline print mode on and off. Examples: to print an interobang ("!" over "?"), type QUESTION-MARK, GRPH-1, EXCLAMATION POINT. _The_ first and last words of this sentence have been _underlined_. Otherwise, type your text in normal fashion: use only to force a line feed, such as for a new paragraph. FORMAT.100 first prompts you for the name of the file to print out. It asks six questions: 1) DO YOU WANT TO PREVIEW? The default setting feeds the text to the printer. Type if you want the text pixel-mapped to the screen. 2) HOW MANY CHARACTERS TO A LINE? No default. If previewing, limit this to no more than 120. NOTE: FORMAT.100 works like a human typist-- it starts to look for a word break several characters before a line's end (see Customize). Long words are NOT word-wrapped to the next line. 3) HOW MANY LINES ON A PAGE? No default. This must be less than 63, when previewing. 4) WHAT NAME DO YOU WANT TO USE? Default skips the address. Any other response will be printed in front of your address, at the top of page 1. 5) WHAT SHOULD THE TITLE READ? Default skips the title. Anything else is printed as the title between the address line and the main text. If you default both the name and title, FORMAT.100 prints text starting right where the printer carriage is, with no extra line feeds. You can use this to append a second text file directly following the first printout. 6) WHAT SHOULD THE OTHER PAGE HEADINGS READ? prints "page xx". Anything else will be printed on the same line just before "page xx". FORMAT.100 then starts printing at 30 CPS. At the end of page 1, it beeps, while displaying "PLEASE CHANGE PAPER: Press 'c' to continue". Don't press until you've put in a new sheet of paper! Other keys have no effect. 'Preview' draws a page-sized box on the screen, with tics every five spaces and lines. Wherever there's a printing character, FORMAT.100 draws a pixel. At the same time, the text being printed is shown on the right half of the screen. Blank lines have a single pixel at the far left. NOTE: Previewing is very slow. If you just want a line count, the companion program HYPHEN.100 will do that much faster. CUSTOMIZING Line 20000 contains the address and phone number. Replace these with yours. 20500 puts the information on two lines, for narrow pages, 'cause it looks prettier. Adjust the width (62) for your address. Delete 20500-20300 to disable this feature. FORMAT.100 starts to look for a break four characters before line-end. If you want to change that, replace the '4' in line 2300 with your preference. Be sure to make the same change in HYPHEN.100. ESC+R and ESC+E turn CE-50 underlining on and off. If line 800 sees <_> it Gosubs to 4000, which toggles FL and appends the appropriate control sequence to TY$, the output string. It also adds 2 to US (max. line length) (see lines 700,200) to compensate. If your printer works differently, you can change lines 150, 4000, and 4100 accordingly, or you can delete 800, 4000-4200 to eliminate the feature entirely. The pixel-mapper (6000-6800) looks for ESC and GRPH-1. Line 6700 backsteps the display by two pixels, to compensate for non -printing characters. Line 6300 skips over ESC, in the text display. You'll need to adapt or delete accordingly for your printer. For those who really like to hack, here are program sections by line number: 100-400: Initialize and head up the first page. 500-1000: Main routine. Get characters and add them to TY$. 1200-1550: Control pagination and headings. 1600-1800: Print out the end of the document. 2000-2800: Set options 4000-4200: Control underlining. 5000-5500: Printout or layout of preview screen. 6000-6900: Pixel mapper. 20000-on:Name and address headings.