RzFormat is a program that prints .DO Files and substitutes print variables ( subset of MailMerge). Its less then 2kB. Commands begin with a . in the first place of a line, immediately following a < ENTER>.The following commands are valid: .PL Length of page in lines .MT Top Margin .MB Bottom Margin .LM Quantity of leading Blanks .LL Length of a line .PN Page numbering (Beginning with page 2) .OP Poage numbering off .PA Page advance .CS Clear Screen .DM Display Message on Screen .WK Wait of any Key from Keyboard .AV A,B,C....,L Ask for values of variables named A,B... .DF Define File as input for values of variables .RV A,B,C....,L Read values of variables named A,B,C... from defined file. Controllcodes in the Text are interpreted. (In TEXT use px to write them, they are shown as ^X): ^D double printing on/off ^L new page ^S Schadow printing on/off ^U Underscore on/off ^D,^S and ^U are changed to the corresponding ESC-Code for C.Itho F10-40. Change them and the default settings of PL,MT,MB an LL in the program. If you have a serial Printer change the LPT: Open to COM:xxxxx.