.L10 .X1 ======================================= Documentation for FXTXT.100 (Version 3.0) By Rick Phillips, 1986 71666, 1721 ======================================= .X2 FXTXT.100 ("FIX-TEXT") is a short, fast, and friendly utility which strips end- of-line carriage returns from downloaded CIS vidtext. It allows Model 100 TEXT files stored on CIS to be returned to TEXT-compatable format after downloading. Ideal if you use CIS as your "working disk space"! FXTXT 2.0 supported paragraph breaks if paragraphs were "line-spaced" ( separated by a left-justified carriage return) in the original TEXT file. FXTXT 3.0 keeps this function but adds two new features: .L15 1. FXTXT 3.0 fully supports "dot commands" as used in WRITE+ (or SCRIPSIT). FXTXT will return dot commands exactly as embedded in original files. 2. FXTXT 3.0 enables two new dot commands which prevent stripping of CR's from groups of single-spaced list copy such as outlines and tables of contents. Embedded (just like WRITE+ commands) in original files, the new commands do not effect WRITE+ operation. .L10 To see these improvements in action, run FXTDOC (this file) through FXTXT and then print via WRITE+ at any page width greater than 40 (less than 40 will upset title page centred text). All neccessary dot commands are already embedded. Note that FXTXT commands (see below) protect the title page (an example of list copy) from being scrambled into a "paragraph". FXTXT 3.0 (like FXTXT 2.0) allows the option of CAS input (see below) when available RAM is a problem. .X1 Instructions for using FXTXT: ----------------------------- .X2 1. Paragraph Breaks: In original file, remember to "line space" (press ENTER twice at paragraph ends ) if you want FXTXT to return original paragraph breaks. 2. List Copy: Without use of FXTXT dot commands, FXTXT will convert single-spaced list copy into a "paragraph". To prevent this, do the following: .L15 - On a separate line above the list copy, type ".X1", left-justified and followed by a carriage return. - On a separate line below the list copy, type ".X2", left-justified and followed by a carriage return. .L10 NOTHING ELSE SHOULD APPEAR ON THESE COMMAND LINES! This syntax is exactly the same as used with WRITE+ (or SCRIPSIT) dot commands. In operation, FXTXT will suspend stripping action when it reads ".X1" and resume when it reads ".X2". When printing, WRITE+ will "beep" and print an "unrecognized command" message to the screen when it reads FXTXT dot commands. However, printing will continue and output will be unaffected. When printing directly through TEXT, remember that dot commands are ignored and printed-out as copy. To prevent this, delete such commands first. 3. Uploading/Downloading: Follow CIS instructions. Any line width up to CIS "choke limit" (132) will work with FXTXT. 3. Before Running FXTXT: After downloading original file, check available RAM. If less than size of file, first save file to CAS and then kill from RAM. Cue tape and press PLAY ( recorder will not start until directed by FXTXT). 4. Running FXTXT: At first prompt, select RAM or CAS input. At second prompt, enter original ( source) file name (".DO" is optional). During run, screen will display sequence of "*"'s (stripped CR's) and "-"'s (paragraph breaks or lists). At completion of run, FXTXT will "beep" and return to MENU. Original file is now "fixed"! 5. Hints: - CIS does not support "control-P" type printer commands (although ASCII representations are returned, enabling easy "search and replace"). Such commands should be embedded only after downloading, before or after running FXTXT. - "Break" will terminate FXTXT at any point. However, input file is only killed at end of run so text is protected. Output file will be named "TXT.DO" at break. To re-run FXTXT directly, just press F-4. - FXTXT contains an error trapping routine that stops program and prints message noting error number, line number, and reference to Model 100 manual. As in case of "Break" (see above), original file is protected if program is stopped for any reason. (end)