0 '"GRMXLT.BA" -- Character Translator 1 ' for printing German characters from 2 ' Model 100 to Epson printers (and 3 ' compatibles with International 4 ' character sets). Use as follows: 5 ' 1) Use this program to translate file in Model 100; do not use 6 ' [, ], \, |, { or } in original file 7 ' 2) Send CHR$(27)"R"CHR$(2) to printer to put in German mode (can use LPRINT in Basic). 8 ' 3) Print the file with normal approach (T-WORD, etc.) 9 ' Phil Wheeler [71266,125] - 5/3/87 10 CLS:MAXFILES=2:CLEAR256:DEFINTI-Z:DEFSTRA-H:E=CHR$(27):GOTO60 20 H=INPUT$(1,1) 30 FORI=1TON:IFH=A(I)THENH=B(I):GOTO40ELSENEXT 40 PRINT#2,H;:IFEOF(1)THENCLOSE:GOTO50:ELSE20 50 BEEP:MAXFILES=1:MENU 60 READN:DIMA(N),B(N),R(N),S(N):FORI=1TON:READR(I):A(I)=CHR$(R(I)):NEXT:FORI=1TON:READS(I):B(I)=CHR$(S(I)):NEXT 80 CLS:PRINT@2,E"pGerman-to-Epson Character Translator"E"q":FILES:PRINTE"pFile to Convert "E"q";:INPUTF:PRINTE"pOutput File "E"q";:INPUTG 90 OPENFFORINPUTAS1:OPENGFOROUTPUTAS2:CLS:PRINT@130,"Working...":GOTO20 100 DATA 7 110 DATA 177,178,179,182,183,184,185 120 DATA 91, 92, 93,123,124,125,126