0 'Printer mode initialization for Mannesman-Tally Spirit printer 1 'Wayne West 75655,242 110 CLEAR200:READZ9:DIMF$(Z9):CLS 120 FORX=1TOZ9:F$(X)="":READY9:FORY=1TOY9:READT:F$(X)=F$(X)+CHR$(T):NEXTY:READD$:PRINT@(X-1)*20,USING" ## ";X;:PRINTD$;:NEXTX 230 E$=CHR$(27):PRINT@295,E$;"p";" Enter Mode: ";E$;"q";E$;"Q"; 240 T$="" 250 X$=INKEY$:IFX$=""THEN250 260 IFX$=E$THENMENU 265 IFX$=CHR$(13)THEN280 270 T$=T$+X$:GOTO250 280 X=VAL(T$) 290 IFX<1ORX>Z9THENBEEP:GOTO240 300 LPRINTF$(X);:GOTO240 1000 DATA 8:'Number of Modes 1010 DATA 2,27,64,Reset All Modes 1020 DATA 1,12,Form Feed 1030 DATA 1,15,Compressed ON 1040 DATA 1,20,Compressed OFF 1050 DATA 2,27,52,Italic ON 1060 DATA 2,27,53,Italic OFF 1070 DATA 3,27,78,6,Skip Perf ON 1080 DATA 2,27,79,Skip Perf OFF 2000 'This is usable with almost any printer, just format the data statements in the following manor: 2010 '# of control codes, control codes (in ASCII) follow. Thus, form feed (CHR$(12)) is 1,12. 2020 'Reset all modes, @ is 2,27,64. Thus it is easy to reconfigure for other printers.