******* LPTDOX.BA INSTRUCTIONS ******* ******* (c) Wilson Van Alst ******* ******* [76576,2735] 9/25/87 ******* The program is a one-liner (149 bytes) that lists RAM files, asks which ones you want to print, and prints them, with each new file starting at the top of a page. INSTRUCTIONS: At the "Name?" prompt, you type the name of the first file you want to print, followed by . You'll be prompted for a new name. Continue responding with file names (you can use lower-case or caps, and you don't need a ".DO" extension) until you've listed all the files you want to print. At the next "Name?" prompt, hit , and the printing will begin. COMMENTS: This program does not format: i.e., it has no provision for word-wrap at the end of lines, and it will balk at lines that are greater than 255 characters. Thus, it is not well-suited to .DO files generated by TEXT, unless you take pains to insert carriage-returns as you write. I use the program mostly for files downloaded from CIS and from a host computer at work. LPTDOX will pass

codes to the printer; so you can underline, italicize, et al., if you know how to use this function. (See bottom of p. 60 in M100 manual.) Finally, the program assumes your printer uses CHR$(12) as a top-of-form command. Most printers do; but if the program "hangs," or the files don't each print at the top of a page, consult your printer manual and change LPTDOX as necessary. Because of this program's small size, it's suitable for inclusion in utility "packages," such as Phil Wheeler's UT-LF2 in DL7.