To use OKITAL.100, first take out the line feed in line 8 of the downloaded version to make it run correctly. Delete any text at the beginning and end of the program. Load the program into BASIC, turn your printer on and run the program. It will scroll through a page or so of paper, without printing anything, and then stop. Wind the paper back and go to your text document. Whenever you want to shift into the italic font, insert an escape-2 (the escape is made by holding down the grph key and hitting a K; you'll get a left- pointing arrow. Put a 2 immediately after it). When you want to return to your normal font, insert an escape 0 for normal draft quality, or an escape 1 for correspondence mode. This font will not work in correspondence mode, but it will work in bold, condensed or expanded modes. Remember, it's stored in volatile memory in the printer. If you turn the printer off, you'll have to reload OKITAL.100. The program uses a loop to load data into the printer memory, using data statements to supply the numbers (see the Oki manual for details on how to design custom characters). If for some reason you want to change a character, the line numbers of the data statements correspond to the ASCII code of the letter. For example, if you don't like my italic j, which is Decimal 106 in ASCII, type "edit 106" to change it. A warning: my printer doesn't like a numeral nine (9) in the data statements. I don't know if this is a bug in all Oki 92's but you might watch out for it. Happy printing! Paul De Groot, 72747,2571