User Guide for PRINTZ 1/29/85 by Rick Perry [75665,1045] PRINTZ.LDR is a TRS-80 Model 100 BASIC program that installs relocatable machine language code which intercepts carriage returns and other special characters directed to the parallel printer port, LPT:. PRINTZ.LDR is all you need to get started; later, if you want to save some bytes, you can use the .LDR to generate a PRINTZ.CO file to be used in conjunction with PRINTZ.100 per instructions at end of this document. PRINTZ allows you to specify page length, indentation, optional page numbering, pause between pages and more. Once installed, the M/L code will operate not only when using Shift-Print from TEXT or BASIC (LLIST), but also when doing Echo to printer from TELCOM, and when LPRINTing from BASIC. The default 'End:' address for the M/L code is set to MAXRAM-1, but if you want it loaded below other code that you keep above HIMEM, just edit the program and change the four MAXRAM references to the value you want. ******** The MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO, especially required if you run other .CO's or have programs that do CLEAR xxx,MAXRAM, is: Run PRINTZ to install the code before you start printing, then run it again to remove the code after you are done all your printing jobs. When it is run, if the M/L interface code is already installed, it will prompt "Remove PRINTZ?". If the code is not active, it will prompt "Install PRINTZ?". Answer with Y, y, N, or n depending on which prompt you get and what you want to do. ******** When you 'install' it, and when answering the "Remove" prompt with N or n, it will give you a chance to reset the default parameter settings prompting: Counter: 0 ? Length : 58 ? Skip : 8 ? (default is 66-Length) Spacing: 1 ? Indent : 4 ? Width : 72 ? (default is 80-2*Indent) Type in desired values or just press ENTER to use the defaults. The 'Counter' keeps track of how many lines have been printed so far on a page. Thus, after printing a file which ends in the middle of a page, if you print another one right after that it will start about two lines after the previous one, and pagination will continue as normal. If you roll the paper forward by hand, check the counter (by running PRINTZ) and set it back to 0 or whatever you want. 'Length' means number of lines printed per page. 'Skip' means number of lines skipped between pages, can be 0 if desired. 'Spacing' of 1 means single spacing, 2 means double space, etc. 'Indent' is number of spaces to indent for left margin, can be 0 if desired. After these prompts it asks "Number pages?" and if you respond Y or y it will ask: 1st page #: 0 ? Bot margin: 2 ? Type in desired values or just press ENTER to use the defaults. The '1st page #' will be used as the page number when the bottom of the current page is reached. 'Bot margin' specifies how many lines to skip before printing the page number. If '1st page #' is set to 0, or if 'Bot margin' is not less than 'Skip', the pages will not be numbered. Final prompt is "Pause between pages?". If you respond Y or y then when the top of a new page is reached, printing will be suspended, you will hear a BEEP, and can then press any key to continue when you are ready. Special features: To enable proper handling of the line counter and page breaks when printing lines longer than the specified width (for example, when LLISTing a BASIC program with long lines), the M/L code performs automatic character wrapping if the width is exceeded. The value of width used can be specified using PRINTZ or by entering the value at the "Width:" prompt in TEXT. Before printing from BASIC, do one LPRINT to insure that the indentation takes effect with the next line. Characters # 128 to 255 are intercepted and the high-order bit masked to 0 before printing. If the character was #140 (GRPH '), it will become #12 (formfeed) after masking and the program will send sufficient 's to goto a new page. You can use this feature to insert forced page breaks in a document or to send escape codes to the printer by using GRPH ' for (looks like squiggly equals sign on screen) and GRPH k for (looks like left arrow on screen). As you may already know, TEXT will simply print ^L and ^[ instead of sending any real or in a file. To start a new page from BASIC do LPRINT CHR$(12). Leftovers: The following pokes can be used directly to remove the effects of the M/L PRINTZ code (in case it's loaded but you do not have PRINTZ.BA in RAM): POKE 64228,243 : POKE 64229,127 If you wish, edit line 18 to change the default parameter values. The 0 at end of DATA statement in line 16 can be changed to 10 if your printer needs linefeeds. The intrepid programmer will want to see PRINTZ.ASM for the assembly source code listing. PRINTZ.100 & .CO: The total amount of RAM storage needed for the PRINTZ code can be reduced by about 50% by using PRINTZ.LDR to generate a PRINTZ.CO file as follows: 1. Run PRINTZ.LDR and 'install' it. 2. Immediately after returning to Main Menu, goto BASIC and enter: SAVEM"PRINTZ",HIMEM,MAXRAM-1 3. Get a copy of PRINTZ.100 and save it as PRINTZ.BA. 4. That's it... PRINTZ.100 will do the LOADMing of the PRINTZ.CO whenever you use it, and also go through the parameter setup menus same as PRINTZ.LDR. For those of you who (shudder!) keep machine code permanently resident above HIMEM, you can obtain a version of PRINTZ relocated to whatever 'End:' address you want by changing all MAXRAM references in PRINTZ.LDR, PRINTZ.100, and step 2 above to the desired value. For example, replace MAXRAM with 62000 and replace MAXRAM-1 with 61999, to avoid interference with code loaded at 62000 and above. *** The End ***