10 'Some printers don't accept CHR$(12) 11 'as a Form Feed command. This patch 12 'for PRN100 will enable Line Feeds 13 'instead of Form Feeds when going 14 'between pages. If you are using 15 'the "Add Line Feed = Y" option, 16 'then POKE 61784,10 after running 17 'this patch. The only disadvantage 18 'to this is that ^P (force new page) 19 'won't work. Jim Irwin 72346,1020 20 DATA58,250,239,71,62,13,195,191,245,205,94,241,195,209,241 30 FORI=61779TO61787:READD:POKEI,D:NEXT 40 FORI=62911TO62916:READD:POKEI,D:NEXT