PRTCOD.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. Enabling printer "enhancements" from the Model 100 (et al) is always a lively topic. Often the interest is in underline and the like -- and (for an Epson) EMBED.TXT (DL2) tells "all". After a bit of misdirection, these messages relate to printing graphic characters, a further extension of capability. Message range: 157550 to 157888 Dates: 10/2/87 to 10/8/87 Sb: #Printer Codes Fm: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 To: All Anyone able to access graphic characters from e.g. WriteRom? I know how to embed control characters for underlining and superscript.. but I can't my Epson to print blocks and other graphic characters. Fm: Al Pound 75715,1077 To: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 You should be able to print the graphic characters available on your Epson using WriteROM. You just need to determine which M100 character (like ) needs to be typed in order to print the desired character on the Epson. Fm: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 To: Al Pound 75715,1077 Do I enter a control P first? i'll try various methods & will report back for others' benefir. Thanks! Fm: Al Pound 75715,1077 To: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 No. You do not enter a control P before the CODE and GRPH characters. They are typed just like the SHIFT characters. Refer to the AscII chart at the back of the manual. Control codes are not characters so are represented but CODE and GRPH characters are true characters. Fm: Al Pound 75715,1077 To: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 Curtis, I may have mislead you in my last message. Control codes which include can only be imbedded in a TEXT file by first hitting a control P. Characters available with the and are true characters and can be typed into a TEXT file. WriteROM will transmit the entire TEXT file to the printer including imbedded control codes and all characters made with the GRPH and CODE keys unless during printer set up, you designate a character to tell WriteROM to send a set of printer control codes. For instance, I use the character to signal WriteROM to send the underline control sequence to the printer. I forget now whether you are tryimg to send control codes to your printer or trying to print special characters supposedly available with your printer. If your are trying to print special characters, you need to refer to the ASCII Character Code Tables in the M100 manual starting on page 211 so that you can enter the proper keyboard character to send the needed decimal code to the printer. Fm: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 To: Al Pound 75715,1077 Thank you Al. I *am* trying to get special graphics chacters sent to the printer, like blocks, little hearts, and such. Not underlining; that's I've got now. At this point, my epsom printer doesn't see the special graphics characters at all. One use for all of this is to use BANNER.BA and create sideways banner and headlines with block graphics, lines, little cars and planes, and the other weird coide and grph characters our machines have. BEST-- curt. Fm: Al Pound 75715,1077 To: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 Now, I believe I understand your difficulty. You cannot send a character from the Model 100. You can only send a code that represents that character on the M100. For example, the car on the M100 is an ASCII code 133. My Gemini printer does not recognize the code 133 as anything so if I type a bunch of c's into a text file in my M100 and print that file to my Gemini printer, nothing gets printed. On the other hand, an ASCII code 239 (made with X on the M100) is recognized as a solid square by my Gemini printer just like the X on the M100. Typing a X in a text file in my M100 prints a solid square when printed to my Gemini printer. My Gemini has a memory which allows me to design a special "download character set" and if I knew how, I could design a car that got printed when my printer recieved a code 133. In other words, any special characters that you want to print must be part of the character set in the printer's memory and you must send the ASCII code from the M100 that specifies that character in the printer. If you have a switch on your printer for selecting 7 or 8 bit interface, set it for 8 bit interface. The above information is based on my not having seen a true graphics program for the M100 except for some printer specific screen dump programs.