PRTQIK.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. The Model 100 Forum is the focal point of activity for the M100 family of computers, and has been for almost four years. Some of our early members have moved on to other computers (Hiss! Boo!), but many are still here -- like Joel Dinda -- and supporting their software offerings. This is a set thread which originated when George Mok asked Joel (via a Easyplex message) how to modify PRINT.QIK (DL2). Fortunately, Joel answered here, and now we all have the information. Message range: 146902 to 147034 Dates: 5/1/87 to 5/2/87 Fm: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 To: Phil 71266,125 George's question was Email; the three issues he raised can be figured from my response. Basically he wanted to know how to completely delete the page headers from the program; whether he could adjust the program to his printer by changing BM & TM, and why he gets an extra linefeed at the beginning of the document. Not sure I answered the last. As a matter of policy I generally answer technical questions received via EZ on the Message Board.... Fm: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 To: George Mok 73720,435 George--- Thanks for the note. Always delighted to know someone's using one of my programs.... Removing the page heading: Modify Line 12 to read: 12 FOR T=1 TO TM:PRINT#2,"":NEXT:RETURN This gets rid of the print routine. You also want to remove two prompts: In Line 21 you want to delete :CLS:PRINT "Page Heading: ";:LINEINPUT H$ In Line 24 delete everything from ELSE to the end of the line. Those changes accomplish what you want. The following changes tidy things up a bit, as the preceding changes render some of the other code useless: In Line 20 delete :H$="" and :L$="N" In Line 21 delete :P=0 In Line 26 delete everything from :PG$ to the end of the line. In Line 31 delete :P=0 Adjusting the top & bottom margins: As you've obviously figured out already, the program's defaults are set in Line 20. BM is indeed the bottom margin, and TM is the top (PL is page length, too). Adjust them as you see fit EXCEPT that TM should not be set to zero; I'd recommend BM=8 and TM=1 instead of your suggestions. The problem is a bug (actually a design "error") in BASIC, which treats a FOR/NEXT loop limited with zero identically to a loop limited with one. This messes up the counter [C] in line 12. Extra linefeed at top: If that last comment didn't address your question about the extra linefeed, I need more information.... Fm: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 To: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 OOPS! Line 12 should read: 12 FOR T=1 TO TM:PRINT#2,"":NEXT:C=TM+1:RETURN Fm: George Mok 73720,435 To: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 Hi Joel, Thank you very much for your time and effort in fixing the program for me. I will try it out as soon as possible. Whatever happens I'll let you know. Anyway thanks again. Fm: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 To: GEORGE 73720,435 Welcome. If it don't work, complain.... Fm: Joel Dinda 75725,1134 To: GEORGE 73720,435 Trust you noticed my correction in message 146903. joel Fm: George Mok 73720,435 To: Joel Dinda I've tried your suggestions and it's working pretty good. I also took out the DATE$=.....etc. in line 20. I still get a linefeed prior to printing. But it doesn't affect the line count, so I would't worry about it.