1000 'SCDUMP.100 1001 'Original by Don Corbitt [73216,1022] - 11/83 1002 'Modified by Bill Templeton [75655,1056] - 2/85 1003 DEFINTS 1004 'Initialize array of print values 1005 IF SX THEN 1008 ELSE DIM SD%(239),SD$(15) 1006 FOR SX=0 TO 15:READ SD:SD$(SX)=CHR$(SD)+CHR$(SD):NEXT SX:E$=CHR$(27) 1007 'Save current cursor position, reset printer, change linefeed length 1008 SC=POS(0):SR=CSRLIN:PRINTE$"P";: LPRINTE$;"@";E$"3"CHR$(16):FORSY=0TO7'CHR$(24) for Epsons 1009 'Move cursor on screen, save one line of data in array SD%(239) 1010 FOR SX=0 TO 39:PRINT@SX+SY*40,;:FOR SZ=-20 TO -15 1011 SD%(SX*6+20+SZ)=PEEK(SZ):NEXT SZ,SX 1012 'Setting graphics mode, print top then bottom half of each line 1013 FORSW=0TO1:LPRINTE$"K"CHR$(224);CHR$(1);'"L" = high resolution; CHR$(240)CHR$(1) for Epsons 1014 FOR SX=0 TO 239 1015 IF SW THEN LPRINT SD$(SD%(SX)\16); ELSE LPRINT SD$(SD%(SX) MOD 16); 1016 'Return cursor to original posision, and return 1017 NEXT SX:LPRINT:NEXT SW,SY:PRINT@SC+SL*40,"";:RETURN 1018 DATA 255,63,207,15,243,51,195,3, 252,60,204,12,240,48,192,0