THINK.PT1 -- PATCHES TO THINK.IT3 --------------------------------- The following replacement lines are recommended for THINK.IT3. In line 91 a MID$ statement replaces a RIGHT$ statement to correct a flaw I found in printing long titles. In line 92 some code is added which gives left justification of the print-out of multiline entries. The first of these patches also applies to my earlier mod of the commercial versions of THIINK.IT. The second can be tried in those versions; it's really a matter of aesthetics! 91 IFLEFT$(A,1)="0"THENPRINT#1,SPACE$(LM)MID$(A,4,W1-3)ELSEPRINT#1,SPACE$(TS+LM )LEFT$(A,W1);:IFLS>0THENFORZ=1TOLS:PRINT#1,:NEXTZ 92 A=MID$(A,W1+1):IFA$<=""THEN93ELSEA=RIGHT$(A,LEN(A)-1):GOTO89 Note that there will be some extra linefeeds to be removed. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125