View.Do2. Read View.Doc first! Convert with Change.Ba in DL4. View # 2 will now show you where your page breaks are with page No's. This should make it a little nicer to use. Now when your at the End Of File. pressing any key will take to the Menu. Also the Carrage Return has been changed to a single dot. This was done so that if a CR was the 61st character it could remain on the same line. It was either this or not show it at all. Now you can format your text to ram at 60 characters per line. Why didn't I think of this in the first place? These new modds add 200 bytes to the program, the new start is 61408 and the end is now 62949 View also needs a new driver: 10 CLEAR56,61408 20 CALL7994:INPUT"File Name";A$:IFLEN(A$)>6THEN20 30 IFA$=""THEN60 40 A$=A$+SPACE$(6-LEN(A$))+"DO":FORX=1TO8 45 F=ASC(MID$(A$,X,1)):IFF>96THENF=F-32 50 POKE62950+X,F:NEXT 60 INPUT"Word Wrap";I 70 IFI<10ORI>60THENI=60 80 POKE62959,I*4-1 90 INPUT"Page Break";J 100 IFJ=0THENJ=54 110 POKE62950,J 120 RUNM"view Lines added are 90 thru 110. If you whould like you can change the '54' in Line 100 to your favorite setting, as long as you DON'T change it to '0'. That way you can just press ENTER at the Page Break promt. When you get to a page break, View will now show a dashed line and the page number on the right of the line. If you have more then nine pages, not to likly, page ten will show as '0', eleven '1', ect. Since I first uploaded View I've gotten a lot of E-Mail asking for the Tcomp source code. So if you are intrested upload VIEW.SRC. The orignal program is only about 1.3K, but I have commented each line and included the program that creates the data I used. Let me be a litte more clear here. View.Src has TWO programs in it. You do not need View.Src unless you want to make some changes, or you whould like add some of my ideas to your own program. Feel free to use these programs any way you what, even if you Come up with Super-View and want to sell it. Have at it, you could be nice and send me a copy. If you have any problems send me E-mail as you should know by now I'm a travler and am not always here. But see what a month at home can do. Fred Edelkamp [70506,223]