1 'Written by Don Corbitt, Dec 5, 1983 2 'Copyright 1983. For private use only 5 'File encodeing - decoding program for6 ' .DO files. Allows the Model 100 to 7 'send files with graphics characters 8 'over the modem with a setting of 9 'M7I1E. 10 IF MAXFILES<2 THEN MAXFILES=2 11 CLS:PRINT"Encode a file (to send it)":PRINT"or Decode a file (to view it) .":PRINT"E/D":ED$=INPUT$(1):PRINT ED$:IF ED$="e" OR ED$="E" THEN 15 12 IF ED$="d" OR ED$="D" THEN 90 ELSE BEEP:GOTO 11 15 INPUT"File to Encode";F1$ 16 INPUT"New file name (must be different)";F2$ 17 OPEN F1$ FOR INPUT AS 1:OPEN F2$ FOR OUTPUT AS 2 20 IF EOF(1) THEN 80 ELSE I$=INPUT$(1,1):I=ASC(I$):IF I<123 AND I>9 THEN PRINT#2,I$;:GOTO 20 25 IF I=9 THEN PRINT#2,CHR$(123);:GOTO 20 'save tabs as other char 30 IF I<128 THEN PRINT#2,CHR$(124);I$;:GOTO 20 ' escaped codes 40 IF I<192 THEN PRINT#2,CHR$(125);CHR$(I-96);:GOTO 20 50 PRINT#2,CHR$(126);CHR$(I-160);:GOTO 20 80 PRINT"File encoded and ready to be sent":MENU 90 INPUT"File to be Decoded";F1$ 92 INPUT"New file name (must be different)";F2$ 94 OPEN F1$ FOR INPUT AS 1:OPEN F2$ FOR OUTPUT AS 2 110 IF EOF(1) THEN 200 ELSE I$=INPUT$(1,1):I=ASC(I$):IF I<123 THEN PRINT#2,I$;:GOTO 110 120 IF I=123 THEN PRINT#2,CHR$(9);:GOTO 110 130 IF I=124 THEN PRINT#2,INPUT$(1,1);:GOTO 110 140 IF I=125 THEN PRINT#2,CHR$(96+ASC(INPUT$(1,1)));:GOTO 110 150 PRINT#2,CHR$(160+ASC(INPUT$(1,1)));:GOTO 110 200 PRINT"File Decoded, and ready to view.":END