CSTIME.BA by Bill Heiman 72300,3072 please see CSTIME.INS for instructions and enhancements as logging free time, etc. This program will write to a file called C-TIME.DO if you do not have a file by that name this program will open one for you. If you have closed C-TIME.DO and renamed it for storage you may read the renamed file by starting program with a RUN 10000 Strip this top portion off with select and paste it where you can refer to it. Keep the remaining DO program with any excess garbage stripped off in the main menu. Go into BASIC, type NEW, then type LOAD"CSTIME.DO" After the wait stops flashing and you get an OK prompt, push F3 and type CSTIME (or what ever you want to call the program). Go to menu and you should have a new program CSTIME.BA -------------------------------------- 5 FI$="C-TIME.DO" 10 BI$="##":CI$="###":PM=.104166 REM PM = cost per minute including .25 access charges 100 TI$=LEFT$(TIME$,5):TH=VAL(LEFT$(TI$,2)):TM=VAL(RIGHT$(TI$,2)):CLS:PRINT@52,"TIME OFF ";TI$:PRINT 110 REM use this line to pull C-TIME.DO from disk, ramdisk or tape if it's not stored in main ram. 120 INPUT" ENTER MINUTES ON-LINE";MOL:S$="":PRINT 125 INPUT"SERVICE > (CS)CSIS (FO)FORUM (CO)CONF (DL)DL (R) READ [9] MENU ";S$:IFVAL(S$)=9THEN10200 126 IF(S$="R")OR(S$="r")THEN3000 128 IFS$=""THEN125 130 NM=TM-MOL:IFNM<0THENTH=TH-1:NM=60+NM 132 S$=LEFT$(S$,2):S$=S$+CHR$(32) 135 IFNM<0THENNM=60+NM:TH=TH-1 137 IFTH<0THENTH=23 200 CLS:PRINT@80,S$;DATE$;" ";:PRINTUSINGBI$;TH;:PRINT":";:PRINTUSINGBI$;NM; 205 PRINT" TO ";TI$;" = ";:PRINTUSINGCI$;MOL;:PRINT" MIN. 300 X$="0":PRINT:INPUT" IF OK <5>=ERROR";X$ 310 IFX$="5"GOTO100 1100 CLS:OPENFI$FORAPPENDAS1 1130 PRINT#1,S$;DATE$;" ";:PRINT#1,USINGBI$;TH;:PRINT#1,":";:PRINT#1,USINGBI$;NM;:PRINT#1," TO ";TI$;" = "; 1131 PRINT#1,USINGCI$;MOL;:PRINT#1," min." 1150 CLOSE1 1160 PRINT@171,"ENTERED TO FILES" 1165 PRINT:INPUT" TO RERUN OR <9> FOR MENU";X:IFX=9THEN10200ELSE100 1170 END 3000 T#=0:HR=0:TT=0:TR=0' >> READING FILE 3010 CLS:PRINT@120," Please Standby - READING FILES":PRINT:PRINT 3100 OPENFI$FORINPUTAS1 3110 IFEOF(1)THEN3150 3120 LINEINPUT#1,D$ 3130 PRINTD$:T#=T#+1:GOSUB3180 3140 GOTO3110 3150 CLOSE1:PRINT:PRINT"THERE ARE";T#;"ON-LINE CALLS ON FILE" 3155 IFTT>59THENHR=HR+1:TT=TT-60:IFTT>59THEN3155 3160 PRINT"Total Time [";HR;"hr.";TT;"min. ] =";:PRINTUSING"$$##.##";TR 3165 PRINT"Last call [ ";TI;"minutes ] =";:PRINTUSING"$$##.##";TI*PM;:INPUTX$:IFX$="9"THEN10200ELSEGOTO100 3170 REM the value in line 3160 & 3180 of PM computes the on-line time by $6.00 per hour plus .25 for access through a CSIS node. 3171 REM to compute $6.00 plus $2.00 access fees use .133334 or use (total cost per hr./60) 3180 TI=VAL(MID$(D$,29,4)):TT=TT+TI:TC=0:TC=TI*PM:TC=TC+.005:TC=INT(TC*100)/100:TR=TR+TC 3185 IFTI<0THENT#=T#-1 3190 RETURN 10000 INPUT"NAME OF NEW FILE (filename.ext)";FI$:GOTO10 10200 MENU REM use this line to send C-TIME.DO to disk, ramdisk or tape if not stored in main ram 10210 REM if line 10200 sends C-TIME.DO to storage then this line should read KILLFI$:MENU