10 REM -------------------------------- 20 REM Dial.100 Automatic Phone Dialer 30 REM Copyright (c) 1984 40 REM All commercial rights reserved 50 REM Program assembled by Jerry Kohl 60 REM (Carrier detect by Dick Cassidy) 70 REM (with help from larry gensch) 80 REM -------------------------------- 100 CLEAR500: REM Clear string space 110 DEFINTA-Z: REM Default to integers 120 DIM ML(3): REM Holds M/L code 130 CLS:PRINT"Phone Dialer Copyright 1984 ":PRINT"Written by Dick Cassidy & larry gensch" 135 PRINT"All commercial rights reserved":PRINT 140 PM$="7I1E"+CHR$(0):REM RS-232 Parameters 145 PRINT"RS-232 Setting: M"PM$:PRINT 150 LINEINPUT"Enter Phone Number: ";PH$ 155 IF LEN(PH$)=0 THEN MENU 160 PH$=PH$+CHR$(0):REM Delimit phone # 165 V=VARPTR(PM$):REM Point to UART Setting 170 AD!=PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256 180 CALL 6118,0,AD!:REM Set UART Parms 190 FOR N=0 TO -1 STEP -1:REM Loop to load M/L Routine 200 READ A,B:REM Get 2 bytes of routine 210 A!=A+B*256:REM Convert to LSB,MSB 220 ML(X)=A!+65536*(A!>32767):X=X+1 230 N=(B=0):NEXT:REM Loop till routine loaded 240 V=VARPTR(PH$):REM Point to Phone # string 250 AD!=PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256:REM AD! Points to phone # 255 PRINT:PRINT"Dialing..."; 256 CALL 21200:REM Disconnect line 260 CALL 21293,0,AD!:REM Dial phone 270 CALL 21172:REM Keep off hook 300 X=0:CD=0: REM Init carrier status 310 FOR N=1 TO 1000:REM Suitable delay 320 V=VARPTR(ML(0)):REM Point to M/L routine 325 Y=VARPTR(X):REM Point to X 330 CALL V,0,Y:REM Get carrier status 340 CD=(X=0):REM Set CD flag 350 IF CD THEN N=1000:REM Exit early if carrier 360 NEXT:REM Loop till carrier or time out 370 PRINT:IF CD THEN 460:REM Skip if carrier 380 PRINT"No carrier":REM Display msg 390 CALL 21179:REM Disconnect 400 PRINT"Try again? "; 410 A=INSTR("YyNn",INPUT$(1)):REM Get input 420 ON A+1 GOTO 430,440,440,450,450 430 BEEP:GOTO410:REM Bad input 440 PRINT"Y":RUN: REM "Y" Entered 450 PRINT"N":MENU: REM "N" Entered 460 REM --- Connected --- 470 PRINT"Connected":PRINT 480 PRINT"Entering TERMINAL Mode..." 490 CALL 21589: REM Enter TERM Pgm 500 DATA 205,239,110,119,201,0:REM M/L ?Routine