Sb: #FREE 450bps modem! 12-Dec-89 02:42:54 Fm: bob scott 73125,1437 Hackers: A recent message on the SIG about speeding up the internal modem prompted me to hack up the following program. It allows TELCOM to run at 450 baud (a 50% speed up!) on some CompuServe numbers. TYMNET/TELENET don't support this higher rate. Let me make my apologies up front; before running it you MUST CLEAR 256,MAXRAM. It also destroys the F6 function key assignment in TELCOM if you've got one. If you can deal with that, this little feller does work. There are more elegant ways to accomplish it, but.....just RUN this program, then enter TELCOM and dial the CIS number WITHOUT a logon macro (i.e. with "<>" after the number). After you get the connect (label line changes) and BEFORE typing anything, press F6. You then are in 450 baud mode....enjoy! For a version which works with a Tandy 200, see the file FASTMD.200 in Library 10. Bob Scott 73125,1437 5 CLEAR 256,MAXRAM-20 10 POKE 64268,221:POKE 64269,245 20 FOR I=62941 TO 62957 30 READ X%:POKE I,X% 50 NEXT I 60 STOP 70 DATA 243,245,62,85,211,188,62,65,211 80 DATA 189,62,195,211,184,241,251,201