0 ' HELLO.BA 3.1 March 3/85 1 ' Douglas MacKay [72326,1725] 2 ' c1985 Winnipeg Free Press 3 ' For use of CIS M100 SIG members 4 ' only. Not for resale. 5 ' Program for reporters to estimate 6 ' typeset story length and file to 7 ' office. Requires edit in Line 810 8 ' (system ph. no.), Line 240 (set yr 9 ' system's start-of-file code), and 10 'Line 290 (set end-of-file code). 11 'Also Line 830 for newspaper name. 12 'See HELLO.DOC 20 CLS:SCREEN0 25 LINE(33,5)-(212,41),1,B:LINE(35,7)-(210,39),1,B:LINE(37,9)-(208,37),1,B 30 PRINT@88,CHR$(128)+" "+CHR$(34)+"Hello, sweetheart, "+CHR$(128):PRINT@133,"get me rewrite!"+CHR$(34)" 35 PRINT@247,CHR$(171)+" 1985 All rights reserved" 55 FORT=1TO500 60 NEXTT 80 CLS:PRINT@84,"Send a story? ?":PRINT@164,"Word count? ":PRINT@244,"Exit to Menu " 81 PRINT@185,"< >";:PRINT@186,""; 82 X$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@186,X$ 84 IFX$=""THEN82 86 IFX$="s"ORX$="S"THEN100 88 IFX$="w"ORX$="W"THEN1010 90 IFX$="e"ORX$="E"THENMENUELSE81 100 MAXFILES=5:CLEAR500,HIMEM:DEFINTQ:Q=2:ONERRORGOTO460 130 CLS:PRINT@84,"Manual dialing? ":PRINT@131,"or":PRINT@164,"Automatic dialing? ":PRINT@244,"Exit to Menu " 135 PRINT@150,"< >";:PRINT@151,""; 140 W$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@151,W$ 150 IFW$=""THEN140 160 IFW$="m"ORW$="M"THENGOTO700 170 IFW$="a"ORW$="A"THENGOTO800 180 IFW$="e"ORW$="E"THENMENUELSE135 190 OPEN"MDM:7E2D"FOROUTPUTAS1 200 CLS:PRINT" ":FILES:PRINT" " 210 INPUT " Name of file to be sent";N$ 220 IFN$="Menu"THENMENU 230 OPENN$FORINPUTASQ 240 CLS:PRINT#1,:'Insert start of message code here. e.g.CHR$(2)CHR$(2) 250 M$=INPUT$(1,Q) 260 PRINT#1,M$; 270 PRINTM$; 280 IFEOF(Q)THENGOTO290ELSE250 290 PRINT#1,:'Insert end of message code here. e.g.CHR$(23) 300 SOUND7456,15 310 CLS:PRINT@127,"Another to go (y/n)?" 320 PRINT@153,"< >";:PRINT@154,"";: 330 R$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@154,R$ 340 IFR$=""THEN330 350 IFR$="y"ORR$="Y"THENQ=Q+1:GOTO200 360 IFR$="n"ORR$="N"THEN370ELSE310 370 CLOSE 380 FORN=1TO35 381 READX,Y:SOUNDX,Y 382 DATA12538,6,0,2,11172,6,0,2,9394,6,0,2,7900,8,7456,6,0,2,7900,6,0,2,8368,6,0,2,9394,6,0,2 383 DATA12538,6,0,2,11172,6,0,2,10544,18,9394,6,0,2,11172,6,0,2,10544,6,0,2 384 DATA12538,6,0,2,7900,6,0,2,8368,6,0,2,9394,6,0,2,0,0 385 NEXTN 390 CLS:PRINT@88,"Session complete." 400 PRINT@128,"Hit any key to":PRINT@168,"return to the Menu." 420 PRINT@226,"- Thanks!" 430 Z$=INKEY$ 440 IF Z$=""THEN430 450 MENU:END 460 SOUND11172,15:IFERR=52ORERR=55THEN580 470 IFERR=51THEN490 480 IFERR=53THEN500ELSE510 490 CLS:PRINT@84,"Maximum number of files (4)":PRINT@124,"has been sent. To dial again" 491 PRINT@164,"and send more, please type Y.":GOTO520 500 CLS:PRINT@84,"That story appears to have":PRINT@124,"been sent. You can continue" 501 PRINT@164,"now with other files, or quit.":GOTO590 510 CLS:PRINT@205,"Error code";ERR;"in line ";ERL 520 PRINT@246,"Continue ?" 530 PRINT@262,"< >";:PRINT@263,"";: 540 E$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@263,E$ 550 IFE$="y"ORE$="Y"THENRESUME100 560 IFE$="n"ORE$="N"THENRESUME370 570 GOTO530 580 CLS:PRINT@164," No such "+CHR$(34)+".DO"+CHR$(34)+" file. " 590 PRINT@246,"Continue ?" 600 PRINT@262,"< >";:PRINT@263,"";: 610 E$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@263,E$ 620 IFC=1ANDE$="y"ORE$="Y"THENCLS:RESUME1085ELSEIFE$="y"ORE$="Y"THENRESUME200 630 IFC=1ANDE$="n"ORE$="N"THENRESUME1340ELSEIFE$="n"ORE$="N"THENRESUME370 640 GOTO600 700 CLS 710 PRINT@84,"1) Dial the office. 720 PRINT@124,"2) When you hear the tone," 730 PRINT@167,"you're ready to transmit." 740 PRINT@204,"3) Ready ?";:PRINT@221,"< >";:PRINT@222,"";: 750 A$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@222,A$ 760 IFA$="y"ORA$="Y"THEN780 770 IFA$="n"ORA$="N"THEN130ELSE700 780 GOTO190 800 '**Dialer(exEdJuge'sEMAIL4)** 810 PH$="555-5555":CLS 830 PRINT@50,"Your paper's name here":PRINT@93,"< >-";PH$ 840 PRINT@166," to dial number" 850 PRINT@208,"<9> for outside line" 860 PRINT@248," for previous menu";:PRINT@94,""; 870 PA$=INPUT$(1):PRINT@94,PA$:CLS 875 IFPA$="e"ORPA$="E"ORPA$="m"ORPA$="M"THEN130 880 LG$=PA$+"=="+PH$+"<>":M=VARPTR(LG$) :AD=PEEK(M+1)+(PEEK(M+2)*256) 890 PRINT@130,"If busy or no answer," 900 PRINT@167,"hit BREAK then F8 for Menu." 910 PRINT@51,"Dialing..."; 920 CALL21200:CALL21293,0,AD 930 GOTO190 1010 ' **COUNT.BA.** 1020 ' To adjust estimate, alter 1060 ' divisor (now 250) in Line 1210 1080 CLS 1085 CLEAR1000,HIMEM:MAXFILES=2:A=0:B=0:C=1:FILES:ONERRORGOTO460 1090 INPUT"What file should be counted";F$ 1100 IFF$="Menu"THEN1340ELSE1110 1110 CLS:OPENF$FORINPUTAS1 1120 PRINT@170," Counting ..." 1130 IFEOF(1)GOTO1190 1150 LINEINPUT#1,A$ 1160 A=A+LEN(A$) 1170 B=B+1 1180 GOTO1130 1190 CLS:PRINT" ";CHR$(27)+"p"+F$+CHR$(27)+"q :";:PRINT@10," ";:PRINTUSING"#####";A;:PRINT" bytes" 1200 PRINT@50," ";:PRINTUSING"#####";INT(A/6);:PRINT" words" 1210 T=A/250:T=T+.05:T=INT(T*10)/10 1220 PRINT@89," ";:PRINTUSING"####.#";T;:PRINT" inches of type" 1230 GOTO1085 1340 GOTO80