HELL0.BA for Model 100 and Tandy 200 HELLO.BA was written to help reporters send stories to a central editorial computer using a Model 100. The goal: extreme user friendliness. It's supposed to be idiot-proof. "Hello, sweetheart, get me rewrite" is from a poster at a reporters' convention in New York sponsored by (MORE) Magazine several years ago. No offence. If you're using a Tandy 200, then also download HELLO.200. It's a short "overlay" to fix ROM calls. Store it as "FIX.DO", then run HELLO.100. Hit BREAK (Shift-Pause). Now type this: MERGE"Fix.do" . There. Now HELLO.100 has become HELLO.200. If you need line feeds for your system, download HELLO.LF. It's another "overlay" for the program. Follow same procedure as above. Some editing is required to get the program running: Line 810: Insert system phone number. Line 830: Insert newspaper name Line 240: Add your system's hidden start-of-message code in decimal. Just take out the colon and 'REMarks and add the right decimal CHR$()s. Your system mgr will have them. Or see the spec sheet from your old Telerams. This could include anything up to story slug. For our system (CSI), we put DESK, SLUG,AUTHOR with the text. You may even want to add code to conform with AP/UPI headers for sorting copy, priority, etc., etc. I'd be glad to try customizing for a small fee. Line 290 Add end-of-message code, as with line 240. Line 190 Sets modem parameters at M7E2D. Easily altered. Line 1210 Sets word counter for an average of 250 letters per typeset column-inch. Needs experimentation to meet individual needs. The screen echo is kind of fakey (see lines 250-280). I still haven't worked out a genuine carrier check. Tips would be welcome. HELLO isn't set up for Tymnet or Telenet, but adaptations should be easy. Regards, Douglas MacKay Winnipeg Free Press (204) 943-9331 [72326,1725]